Had to happen sooner or later


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Overkill. I mean, even with todays games, 64MB DDR on the video card and 512MB of whatever RAM is MORE than enough.


Staff member
Probably more bragging rights than anything as it is now... but it won't be long before games start to use >64mb often enough that having 128 megs of memory would make a big difference.

Besides, do you know what this means? 2048x1536x32bpp gaming! :smash:


Moderator from Hell
I'm still using my G400!! :D

Just hope they have a new gaming card out by the time I get my Dual Hammers.. I really don't want to have to go with ATi.. :retard:


Staff member
I really think we could get by with a once a year card update instead of this 6 month bit. Just so they can line their pockets with our money...:mad:


Staff member
If anything, they're probably the ones losing more money. Releasing a new product consists of all the press releases, the marketing costs, etc, all that crap just so they can get the product known.

That is, unless there really are enough people stupid, crazy, or power hungry enough to buy the product every 6 months. :retard: