Federally Funded Flea Dips for Fluffy?



April 1, 2002 -- Reaction today was swift and vocal to a Bush administration proposal to extend universal health care to pets. Under the measure, veterinary care coverage would be fully subsidized by tax dollars. As a result of the announcement, a three-way squabble has erupted between fiscal conservatives, animal rights groups and pro-human organizations.

Health and Human Services officials found themselves scrambling to clarify who would be eligible for the controversial Pet Health Insurance Program, or PHIP. The program would allow states to use federal funds to cover veterinarian visits, preventive care, neutering -- even hairball extractions. For All Things Considered, NPR's Julie Rovner reports.


I support this decision 100%. Bob Barker is an old fuddy duddy.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
What happens when social liberals & animals-have-no-rights groups square off against anti-human organizations?


Just goes to show that IDIOTS rule in the US. If you can't afford pet insurance, then you can't afford a pet. (That's right, PET insurance) The only people THIS will help out are those who don't spay/neuter their pets, and let their dog, or cat, run free. Why should MY money pay for YOUR irresponsibility?

As for the 'animal rights' groups, animals have only 2 rights. Not to be tortured, and the right to being cooked properly. Take that vegetarian human idea and shelve it, where it belongs.


Staff member
If God didn't intend for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

Saw that one in a sig at HWC, I think. Pretty good :D

I really wish the idiots would stop trying to run this country. Health care is intended for humans, and humans only. If you want to give your pets health insurance, marry the local veterinarian.


Hehe. Nobody clicked on the link. It was an April Fool's joke.:D