Big ISP's have big heads


Psycho Penguin
Thats disgusting. How come the account was cutoff in error, yet the offer states the account will be re-opened if she accepts the settlement? Sounds like the cut-off was deliberate to me.

I wonder how much mail she has received, that was really meant for Earthlink? I would guess very little if any, certainly much less then would be the reverse case with Earthlink receiving her mails...... Fuck em, sue.


Staff member
hmmm, the email acct was given to her in error and her acct was cut off in took them 3 years to catch the error, and then they generously offered to violate her 4th ammendment rights, if she wants to keep the email addy ...these people are freakin retarded.

Hell yeah, sue em :mad:


Staff member
I don't know how to be a haX0r...but I'm game! :D *snaps into pitbull mode*


Psycho Penguin
Well if Earthlink do win, I say we start an email spam war against them. :D :D :D We have the email addy!

[email protected]

Infact, they have closed her account, which means they have her email addy now anyway. How about:-

Dear dnsadmin c/o Earthlink,

You guys really stink! I demand you give back Elena Dykhno's email addy at once you dirty rotten scum bags!

Failing this, we shall be forced to flood your email inbox with mail containing pictures of fat women in bikinis. This is no idle threat, picture of my grand mother in a gee-string enclosed to show we mean business...

You have until 5:00pm Friday to comply.

Have a nice day :D
Yup, should do the trick. All we need to do is send 10,000 per day and they should get the message. :D :D :D


Staff member
Ooooh, great idea!! I may not be able to haX0r, but I can damn well spam! Nice touch with bikini too. If Earthlink sees enough of her, Elena might just get her email back and free internet for the rest of her life.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
dnar, your talkin to a woman and asking her to spam....oh started something here.... :lol:


Staff member
PostCode said:
dnar, your talkin to a woman and asking her to spam....oh started something here.... :lol:
nah, he didn't start nuthin'....all females come with an auto-spam feature, it kicks in at puberty and gets fine tuned as we age. :D