Beautiful Three Sisters


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Next week, Wednesday, my wife (Misssy) and I are headed out for five days of backpacking in the Three Sisters Wilderness. I plan on taking my digital camera and hopefully aquire some killer shots of the mountains. We also plan on taking the regular POS 35MM for paper pictures.

If you have never been there, to bad. Kick ass views, lots of wildlife, cool spring water to pull a drink from (and let me tell ya....after 10 miles with a 40 pound pack, those springs are the BEST) and some nice camp fires. We plan on 10 mile days, but hope to put more in. Anyway, for all the backpackers in here, we'll post some shots from the trip when we get back.

Can't wait to hit the trail! :D :D :D :D :D


1 of 3
Have fun!
Some of my best memories were spent hiking on the Blue Ridge mountains in the great state of Virginia.
(There were evidently many things that happened that I have absolutely no memory of too!)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Are they(the 3sisters) in OR? sounds like fun wherever they are. I'm jealous, livin' in the flatlands doncha know.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
it IS a sad thing, growing up in the SW USA, mountains all around, clean air(except LA), sunshine 300+days a year, then moving to the midwest where the hill of corn is a scenic view:lol:


New Member
Ya tell me about it. The biggest hill in my county (Wood Co) here in Ohio, is man made. It use to be a swamp land here. So the land is flat as can be. What a joke. Anyways, have a good trip Missy and PostCode.


Enjoy yourself! I can't wait for the amazing pictures! Don't drop the camera off a cliff or anything!


Staff member
I spent most of my life in Ohio. Seeing as snowboarding is about my favorite thing to do, I had to get out.

So where is 3 sisters?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Three mountains. North "Faith" (10094 Ft.), Middle "Hope" (10053 Ft.),and South "Charity" (10358 Ft."). They are positioned in a somewhat straight line. The North and Middle are positioned close to one another and the South is a bit further away, but not far. If you look at a map of Oregon. Find Eugene on I-5, then follow Highway 126 out. It loops around it. Were starting out just past the McKenzie Ranger Station.


mofo extraordinaire
Beautiful Mountains and Valleys in Oregon. An interesting area Historicaly with the Settlers moving west. It seems USGS has found something unique recently about Three Sister's region.
Copy from USGS web site ---------------
USGS scientists have detected a slight swelling, or uplift, of the ground surface over a broad area centered 5 kilometers (3 miles) west of South Sister volcano in the Three Sisters region of the central Oregon Cascade Range.
The uplift, which occurred between 1996 and 2000, covers an area about 15 to 20 kilometers (9 to 12 miles) in diameter and the maximum amount of uplift at its center is about 10 centimeters (4 inches). It is too broad and low to be noticed from the ground, and several close aerial inspections of the area have revealed no unusual surface features.
The specific cause of the uplift is uncertain. Because the Three Sisters region is a volcanic area, the uplift may reflect intrusion of a small volume of magma (molten rock).
USGS site - Three Sisters, Oregon
See if you can find signs of this build up, maybe steam vents or hot springs. Interesting stuff :D


Everday People
I see a few from Ohio and hello but am curious as to when you do this hiking and am wondering when you go do you at least carry something for protection from animals. All including the human kind?Just wondering as I read alot and see alot and it's something if I did I would definetly consider,



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by BigDadday
curious as to when you do this hiking and am wondering when you go do you at least carry something for protection from animals. All including the human kind?Just wondering as I read alot and see alot and it's something if I did I would definetly consider,


Get out of the city. unless you're truly armed, if a bear is pissed yer dead. mostly, no worries-people in the mountains are as beat as you are & animals run when you get too close. put down the book & step OUTSIDE, "sunshine-it does a body good":D


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Used to carry a gun, but I realized that this is what most people who go hiking are getting away from. A for bears and such...yeah, there are a lot of black bears, foxes, elk, dear and other wildlife, but like Gonzo said, they run at seeing you. Most of the time, you can't get close enough to even see them before they hear you coming.


Leather and Heels
All we have to carry for protection from those " wild animals" are Post's socks.. one wiff of those and they are goners....:worm: :spin:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
:D They can walk on their own after wearing them for a day....think about what they can do after two days! :D


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Here's some pictures on the Internet I have found to give you guys an idea of what we will see:

Here, look at the views of the South Sister and the Wickiup Plain, and the Wife:

The Wickiup Palin is a field of pumous. Very wil looking really. In actuality, it looks like it just snowed.

Here's a poor shot of Sister Mirror Lake. It dosen't show a morning shot when the mountain reflects of the lake. Kinda blury. If you walk along the lake itself, frongs by the literal hundreds jump into the lake :)

And, here, note pictures 18, 20, 10, 15 (Brokern Top), and 17.

hehe. What a midwesterner calls a mountain, we call a speed bump. :D