Basesball contractions


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The owners meeting in Chicago has produced an unusual affect. It seems that the Minnesota Twins & the Montreal Expos will cease to exist. Not move, just become history. Like Montreal will notice & the Twins owner will be bought out by MLB.

A long talked about but until now realized dilemna will happen. The Diamondbacks, it seems ARE now officially headed to the AL. As of the move of ther other two clubs. Who will I root for now? I refuse to root for any team in a league that uses the DH & the Dodgers, my former favorite team, is under the evil direction of Rupert Murdoch. Help-:cry:

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member

Read this column from Miami, it's hilarious. I could really see the baseball owners, if trapped in a room that's getting flooded, they'd unanimously vote to paint the walls. :spin: Makes sense to me. :lol: The 2 teams that most deserve to be cut are Montreal (duh) and Tampa Bay (they're awful and are not covered by any local TV station, not even Fox Sports Net).


New Member
The Twins do not deserve to be contracted.

Their owner, Carl Pohlad, firmly believes that when he dies, he can take all his millions with him.

He knows that he can get more cash through contraction, than he can get in a legitimate sale of the team.

With all the double talk and foreclosing on struggling family farms, he thinks he will need to buy his way into heaven.

And while this is going on, all that Jesse the Gov can say is, "What do you want me to do about it?"

Carl Pohlad, Bud Selig, Jesse Ventura :screwyou: