Back at work day 1


Everday People
I am in shock as I had nobody hassle me or pull me into the office and start telling me how unsafe it was that "I" did or even say anything but nice things to me??????????????????????????????????????

That is scarry everybody because they aren't the types to act like this so I must be wary of foreigners bringing me any gifts as they must be out to conquer me.

I wonder what they are planning and just when their trap will spring?


Staff member
Or maybe, just maybe, they're acting this way without plotting your demise behind the scenes? People do have the capacity to be nice occasionally, ya know? ;)


Everday People
fury I work with the lowest form of homo sapiene known to man and as back stabbing goes I need a bullet proof vest just to survive on a good day let alone like now. Trust me it may be the Holiday Season but I will not let my guard down for at least another 15 years as they have longgggggg memories sad to say. That is the bad stuff not the good that a worker does. BD


Staff member
BD, it is sad but true. Most employers are always looking for ways to cut overhead. Hopefully they are not planning anything, but if i were you I would keep my guard up also.


Everday People
Neo not only is my guard up but I am still documenting my daily routines just in case, and I hate to do that but I look at it as a sort of protection. BD:whip: