all shook up


There was a minor earthquake in north Alabama (3.9) this past Friday evening. Shook the hell outta my house.

Anyone else ever experience an earthquake?


Staff member
nope... I didn't feel or hear anything, (20 mins from the border), or hear anything on the news ether


2 things i've always wanted to experience first hand


unfortunately i live in a pretty stable part of the world :(


Everday People
Lived in California in the l8 60's and was to busy :D to notice if there was one but Ohio had one some years ago when My Uncle &Aunt were in from there and while sitting playing cards we had it and they never missed a beat and when we were asking what that was the said oh's an earthquake!


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Yeah. My wife and I were on our honeymoon. We were traveling through the Oregon Gorge on our way to Mt. Hood to do some snowshoeing. We stopped at a gas station to fuel up and hit the restrooms. She's in the restroom and I'm out by the car, leaning on a fence, checking out the map. All the sudeen the ground starts rolling...high. Car's start swaying side to side and my cars doors, which started out open, slammed shut (thank good I had my keys in my pocket....). The best part is this. hehe Michelle comes running outta the bathroom, buttoning up her pants. I glanced up and saw her come zippin on outta there. I saw the look on her face and nearly busted my gut wide open. Man was that hilareous. hehe. So yeah, I've been through an earthquake. As weel as a tornado (stationed in kansas for two years..that's to be expected), been through a blizzard (stationed in Germany. Snowed 5 feet in 5 hours...what a mess that was), and I've been through other minor disaters...slow floods were the water slowly rises, flash floods where the water comes outta no friggin where and other crap. that I'm thinkin about that earthquake and the expression on her face....hehehehehe


Staff member
Pad, glad everything is ok.
I have never been in a EQ or tornado. I feel so left out.:D
We have tornados all around us in the spring and summer, but never in our town...


About six years ago, I stood on my patio and watched a tornado go by about half a mile from my neighborhood. Couldn't make out the funnel, but it sure sounded like a train. And it wasn't even raining at my house but I did see a few hail stones fall near me. Ripped a 30 mile path across North Alabama.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I've felt a bunch of baby quakes while out in CA and a couple here in NY :eek: True story: the exact day I left CA, there was a 4.x quake centered 10 miles away from my former apt building (a major fault line runs under the building itself).