A new Volcano forming...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
right before our eyes. Amidst all the destruction in the Congo, there is an exciting scientific happening...too cool not to notice, now lets hope the rest get out okay.

As seen from a Rwandan Air Force helicopter, a small black cone was forming in what had been banana grove on Congo's border with Rwanda. The new lava sources was spewing to the southwest, covering one third of the runway at Goma's airport, destroying the city's Roman Catholic cathedral and thousands of homes.


You ever see that movie Congo? Let's hope there aren't a bunch of killer apes running around down there.:laugh:


New Member
I saw on the news that the people are returning to the area ... very bad idea. Those people are not familiar with volcanic flows, maybe if they were, they wouldn't be going back so soon to walk across it!!