The Outlaw we know would have never walked PAST the beer store with money in his pocket to buy a mobo. So what I wan to know is:
You can start shit in here Dean baby!! This IS the party fourm! :D
oh and Universal Studios ROCKS!!! We got one in Orlando too. We go there every year. :cool:
I don't go to work very often :D but when I do, I make as much in a day as a lot of people make in a I really try to meet my 4 day a month quota...sometimes that doesn't happen:eh:
The black is only going under the desk, in the corner. It will give a little definition to the "office area" since it's in the bedroom. The rest of the floor is going to be travertine marble (kind of a beige color) I have my eye on some extra pieces of the same granite laying around at...
18x18 absolute black granite floor tiles. I'll have to go into whining overdrive to get the old boy to install them...or pretend like I'm gonna do it myself. :D
Well I gotta keep this place stocked, ya know! It's a full time job, plus I have to take card of all the repairs. Winey tried to reinforce that hole in the corner, but he used...well, um..NOT stucco.:smash:
I'm not getting a granite woohoo....I'm getting Granite! woohoo!
It's going on the floor underneath the desk I'm making out of marble.
and it's not really mine and Outlaws birthday till tomorrow, it just happens to be tomorrow in NZ right krusty already started celebrating. :D