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  1. Q

    This is a great place to shop...NOT!

    I meant at OCZ...squeeks, ya lil retard :retard: *smacks squeeky* the URL However, it turns out you're right... They have safeweb blocked as well...jeez, I wonder why? :rolleyes: *UPDATE* It pays to be a bitch. I am now getting my chip shipped overnight...and I'm getting a care...
  2. Q

    clueless people

    They never pick up the trash at night here, only in the morning.
  3. Q

    clueless people

    so how do I know when it's time to take out the trash?
  4. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  5. Q

    Trivia #2

    Looks like your car's gonna be broke for a long time. I hate this game, I never win anything. :smash:
  6. Q

    UPDATED see 1 and 2

    Homie, I can tell ya where NOT to shop!:(
  7. Q

    Greyhound Bus Crash

    They don't know how many people died. They aren't sure how many were injured...but they're sure it wasn't a terrorist attack? Pretty cool of Amtrak to honor the bus tickets though.
  8. Q

    clueless people

  9. Q

    Trivia #2

    1.) airbags 2.) 1978 3.)Ste. Therese 4.) LaSalle 5.) "self starting" ...what do I win?
  10. Q

    This is a great place to shop...NOT!

    I just checked their site, cuz I never even heard of anything taking 8 days to ship and it says they use UPS 3 day select ...or something like that. In 8 days I could have driven to Iowa and back myself. ...and there was a post from a guy who ordered there and when he got his nexts months...
  11. Q

    Winemaking Time! Tis the season to be squeezin'

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmblueberry *drools*
  12. Q

    This is a great place to shop...NOT!

    Jay, it's a 1gig t-bird. ...and I guess I left out a few things. First of all, their website says they usually ship in 2 days. This item was clearly marked IN STOCK, when I ordered it. When I got the order confirmation, it said, if you do not recieve a tracking order in 72 hours, contact...
  13. Q

    This is a great place to shop...NOT!

    I'm gonna wait till they ban me and go back and copy/paste it from here with my other IP :D...after they ban that IP, I'll use safeweb :D:D ...oops, forgot to tell ya where NOT to shop :mad:
  14. Q

    This is a great place to shop...NOT!

    Here is my post in their forums. I'm gonna get banned. I already got warned once not to make negative posts...think they'll catch the sarcasm? :rolleyes:
  15. Q

    Twisted List: Five Things You Should Never Download

    you better tell me ...or I'm tellin' :smash:
  16. Q


    I feel it's only fair to warn you posty...if you don't provide us with more info...I shall be forced to just make shit up. Then it goes in the report. :smash:
  17. Q

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    ummm....TISSUES :retard: LOTS OF THEM:rolleyes:
  18. Q

    Taliban Leader Calls Americans Cowards

    *wraps a veil around profs face and spins him*...go play pin the tail on the taliban :p
  19. Q

    Twisted List: Five Things You Should Never Download

    no...I ain't usin the use the link!:lurk:
  20. Q

    @homo sucks

    OMG, I never thought of that! Now I'm gonna have nightmares:scared: