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  1. PostCode

    Meet Herb
  2. PostCode


    Comp tech. Married to a beautiful lady. Served 5 years in the Army, 19K M1 Abrams Armor Crewman. What else do you wnat to know?:lol: :usa:
  3. PostCode

    The trouble is only now starting for us

    As of 0727, Pacific Standard Time, the Dow has fallen 603.66...uh ohhh
  4. PostCode

    Light a candle

    Take a moment and light a candle here:
  5. PostCode

    just blabbing

    Well, I'm here in Beaverton. Start my new job as a PC Tech today in about 55 minutes. Been busy packing and moving our belongings, getting the kids up here and in school and setting up a routine schedule..ugh. I hate moving. Anyway, I will find out today what kinda guy this person is going to be...
  6. PostCode

    Your boss.

    Well, I guess it happens to everyone. I got layed off. What really, really sucks is this. I was working for the best person anyone could ever ask to work for. Someone who you have nothing but respect for. Someone who you bent over backwards for. Someone who did their damndest to help you...
  7. PostCode

    Two pictures of the South Sister

  8. PostCode

    Three pictures of the Middle Sister

    These are shots that were taken with the cheapo disposable one that did panoramic shots. The pictures came back on CD and were developed at like 1600 x something. Huge things. Had to scale them down a bit.
  9. PostCode

    AMD Specific BIOS Settings

    I own three Athlon based motherboards. The FIC AZ-11 and the GigaByte 71XE and 71XE4. The FIC AZ-11 has a setting that is specific, as far as I can tell, to the AMD Athlon/Duron/Thunderbird CPU's. The K7 CLK_CTL Select. In the user manual, is states: "This item allows users to set K7 CPU...
  10. PostCode

    A good laugh

  11. PostCode

    Forest Fire Fighter

    Ok. I'm doing a little checking into this for myself but can't sem to locate anything on the net on how one goes about becoming a forst fire fighter. If anyone has any clue here, I'd greatly appreciate it. Links, etc... ANything pointing me in the right direction.
  12. PostCode

    OCN boards?

    I'm getting this when I try to access OCN's forums: No member profile found for member number: 00000047 » Please use your browser's back button to return. Anyone else getting this or are you getting into the forums?
  13. PostCode

    PhoenixNet Update

    Well, it appears all the hard work paid off. The petitions, complaints, web sites that informed people and general bitching helped in the end. PhoenixNet It appears they have dropped their marketing plan to the masses. Going to keep the page up at my site for the forseeable future and...
  14. PostCode

    I can't believe I'm posting from windows......

    I'm so ashamed. :cry:
  15. PostCode

    Greatest album ever made

    Honesty here peoples. What do you think the greatest album ever made was? Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd - The Wall It's a tie for me. I listen to both equally and think they are some of the most intense lyrics even created. The Dark Side of The Moon sold over 25 million...
  16. PostCode

    Linux Site of the week

    Two parts this time. A great reference to hardware issues and Linux. Come in two parts: Linux hardware stability guide, Part 1 Linux hardware stability guide, Part 2 You can get tons of useful information from IBM's site here.
  17. PostCode

    How many usernames do you use?

    Come one peoples...fess up!
  18. PostCode

    More shots part 3...last one for now

    Here's a fe more. These were taken the last day. Yesterday morning just before heading out. We were standing on an obsidian flow. Stards of obsidian lay everywhere, so you had to wear your boots of camp shoes everywhere or risk cuts and stabs. Here are a few shots of the...
  19. PostCode

    More shots part 2

    Here are a few shots from the rim of LaConte Crater. This is the third day. Cold front moved in but no rain came from it. Relief from the pounding sun, but no rain. Here is the base of the crater. About a 800 foot incline at about 60 degrees. Missy said here heart felt like it was going to...
  20. PostCode

    More shots....beware modem users...part 1

    Here is a shot of the Wife. This was taken the first morning....after a fifth of Jim Beam...hehe. Woke up at about 6 or so and had Missy get me four ibu's, went back to bed and woke up at 9 feeling fine. :) Here is a shot from the James Creek Shelter, which is the location we stayed...