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  1. Gonzo

    1984, 18 years later

    So Orwell might have had the exact date wrong, but the ideology is still there. Look up at the traffic lights in your town. Sometimes even the lampposts have them. The ATM sure does.Even Wal-Mart is in on it. Video is a good thing isn't it? Even when *ominous music* they're watching you. I first...
  2. Gonzo

    Your pols are being corrupted

    let me get this straight. John McCain, Henry Waxman, Diane Feinstein, et al, pass campaign finance reform, boring topic to be sure, because it's "corrupting politics & the politicians who serve". Just before it gets signed by our ever elegant & well-spoken leader, GW Bush:eh: , the push is on to...
  3. Gonzo

    A little less of a snoozer

    talk about a heart breaking decision:rolleyes:
  4. Gonzo

    "OK, we admit AOL mail sucks"

    :lol:-even the chief of Time-Warner hates AOL
  5. Gonzo

    E.T> The Politically Correct Extra-Terrestrial

    Who's going to see the no-guns, no-"you look like a terrorist" re-release of a 20 year old movie? Why pay $7.50 to see a movie that is probably in your VHS collection. Is it for the added bathtub scene. Is it for the tear-jerking ending? Is it because you have no other good options this weekend...
  6. Gonzo

    Dog Attack Trial

    The "viscious" dogs that I've owned (a pit bull, plus some mutts) and the "viscious" dogs that friends have owned have always been the nicest dogs to be around. Mine, plus a buds doberman both thought they were lap dogs. These animals were treated kindly & were not mis-used in any way. I really...
  7. Gonzo

    Do you like to street race?

    Damn you folks are harsh. How many of you, especially those over 30, didn't pull an ocassional race as a kid. Add to that, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands, before & since, that have done this & survived with no more than bruised pride. There are bound to be accidents. Those that lose in the...
  8. Gonzo

    I'll be back!

    they're a little early don't you think?
  9. Gonzo

    Pamela Anderson says she has hepatitis C

    She is a sleazeball, that doesn't mean I wouldn't do her. Well, my wife might get mad but the point still stands.
  10. Gonzo

    How 'bout dem Hoosiers

    I don't like basketball, so this is, I understand, a good thing?
  11. Gonzo

    Dog Attack Trial

    What danger? A dog of this, or pitbull, or german shepard, or doberman pinscher, breed are inherently no more dangerous than any other breed. It completely depends on the owners actions with the dog and it's temperment.
  12. Gonzo

    Dog Attack Trial

    Since I haven't been following this story much, isn't 2nd Degree Murder kind of harsh for the actions of a dog?
  13. Gonzo

    Goodbye 4th Admendment

    SoYLenT GrEEn iS pEOPLe!!!!!!:invasion:
  14. Gonzo

    There goes the free mail

    This mornings surprise:
  15. Gonzo

    K2 They need your help...

    K2 watches transexual films? :rofl:
  16. Gonzo

    Israeli and Palestinian people at it again

    You are so right on the target. But, we must appease the muslim countries in order to be allowed to fight the Iraqis. What horseshit. Turn the Israelis loose to protect their people, just as we are protecting ours.
  17. Gonzo

    Pamela Anderson says she has hepatitis C

    SO? Why is that news? Should anyone care what she does, especially off the camera? I'm not blasting you S4, just the fact of the triviality that has become news in the last few decades...
  18. Gonzo

    Goodbye 4th Admendment

    OK, how about eating? or talking to your passengers? or dialing the radio? or picking up the dropped cigarette? or drinking non-alcoholic beverages? or... where shall it end?
  19. Gonzo

    Goodbye 1st Admendment

    at least he voted correctly