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  1. Nixy


    Men can receive infertility treatment
  2. Nixy

    original food fight thread

    It weird how dogs understand and reconize somethings (like lamps shades = evil) but are completely clueless about what you WANT them to understand! *loads a bazooka up with submarine andwiches* *looks around for a target*
  3. Nixy

    original food fight thread

    LOL at the thought of a doggie with a cone. Sorry Q but it is a funny sight in my mind. My friend's dog had a cone and he (the dog) used to stick it in the water dish, fill it with water and then drink out of the cone. I hope your doggie is feeling better. *sigh of relief* I am glad I'm...
  4. Nixy

    Hiya people. USSVoyager under a new name...

    WELCOME! :wave: :swing:
  5. Nixy


    I have to do a project for school and I need to survey some couples who have received fertility treatment. I need to find atleast two more couples. If there is anybody here who has received fertility treatment and would be willing to fill out a short questionare could you please PM me, contact...
  6. Nixy

    Fav Junk Food

    What is your fav junkfood and why? Mine is nuts. I have BBQ flavour peanuts right now. YUM!
  7. Nixy

    Help me build karma

    Well, I REALLY hard not to post just for the hell of it and even though I'd love to help you I really have nothing of meaning to say. So sorry, I can't be of service this time. DOH! Just my posting this I am helping you! *slaps herself on the forehead* Oh well! Happy Karma getting Inky!
  8. Nixy


    It doesn't work for me
  9. Nixy


    *sob* I REALLY like chat. I just wish more people talked.
  10. Nixy

    Parents of 80 pound toddler lapping up publicity

    OMG! Some people are so stupid! These people seem to care more about the publicity than their child's health! Also, that child is going to be ridiculed SO much in school. Most all children want to eat treats all the time and will do so if allowed, it's the parent's responsibility to feed them...
  11. Nixy


    I think that more people should try out the chat feature. It's really cool. I go there all the time and it's always the same people. Not that there's anything wrong with the others who go there regularly but a lot of the time they're connected but not really at the machine so it looks like there...
  12. Nixy

    I'm not dead yet!

    That is absolutely morbid! Some people are so disgusting!
  13. Nixy

    The sexual revoltion failed

    We have sex ed here. It covers the biology of it and we are also SHOWN what birthcontrol pills looks like, what a condom looks like and what various other forms of contraceprive look like but we do not ever touch them or practice any sort of "activity" with them.
  14. Nixy

    Marriage Age

    Greefreak: I can only imagine how difficult living together could be at first. Gonzo: I think it's prolly because some people move intogether but still don't feel any real commitment towards each other, they just live together for the great sex or something I guess :shrug:. Then they decided...
  15. Nixy

    Marriage Age

    Yeah, before I felt you didn't necessarily need to know someone for long to know if they were right but I now believe that you need to know someone and be with them for atleast 2 years before you can really tell whether they're the one for you. ALOT of surprises may come after being with the...
  16. Nixy

    Marriage Age

    75renegade: I wasn't implying that I think that unplanned pregnancy would be a reason to get married (because I don't) but some people may. I just used that as an example, basically I meant if no outside circumstances sped up the plan to get married. I plan to get married to my bf when I'm 25 or...
  17. Nixy

    Marriage Age

    What do you think is the youngest age that a person should get married? If there are no "special circumstances" (ie. unplanned pregnancy, etc)
  18. Nixy

    Yates Poll

    I think she should have gotten the death penalty. What she did is completely inexcusable. I don't always agree wiht the "an eye for an eye" method some people like but to take the life your your own children is SICK and she deserves to die and suffer as they did!
  19. Nixy

    Superman's UK Hopes

    I hope it works for him. It's so sad that he can't walk.
  20. Nixy

    Tonya Harding wins 'Celebrity Boxing' bout

    I had it on for a minute but didn't watch for long (saw part of the Tayna Harding fight). I didn't know Vanilla Ice was on or I would have watched that!