Who here does NOT know me?


I've been bouncing hither and yon all over the web...I'm also a member on 2 other sites, which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent. :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Welcome fresh meat, go get pizza & beer, post a few times & you'll move up in the ranks:wave:


New Member
Holy shit that's so funny. I was just thinking the other day that you and Gonzo could have some serious discussions... And here you are!

I have a feeling things are going to get interesting around here. :D

:wave: Gato!


Staff member
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :cool:

As for the ladder of user titles:

the user titles administration page said:
Hasn't posted yet (Minimum Posts: 0) [edit] [remove]
Fresh meat (Minimum Posts: 1) [edit] [remove]
Member (Minimum Posts: 30) [edit] [remove]
Senior Member (Minimum Posts: 100) [edit] [remove]
Talkative (Minimum Posts: 500) [edit] [remove]
Veteran (Minimum Posts: 1000) [edit] [remove]
Ripe (Minimum Posts: 2000) [edit] [remove]
Aching Wrists (Minimum Posts: 3000) [edit] [remove]
31337 member (Minimum Posts: 31337) [edit] [remove]

You can enter a custom title up to 35 characters in your profile if you have 25 posts OR if you have been registered for 2 days, or if you're real nice to an admin :D


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Gato_Solo, Gato_Solo, Gato_Solo?

I swear I've heard that name somewhere before...


Tom cat, actually, if you want to be technical. There is another definition, however. It's the slang term for the male Coati Mundi. It's a Central and South American raccoon with a prehensile tail.

Looks like this.

Females and young travel in packs, while adult males wander alone.


The man, thas rite THE MAN!!!!!!!!!
ha hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im new too just wanted to get to kno al of you!
peace!! :beerchug: :smash3: :smash4: just havin a lil fun wit smilies!!! look its evry1 comin on the boards :invasion: ahhhhhh