Who Gardens?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I just started my tomato, tomatillo & pepper seeds for the garden. I bought a 6-pack of broccoli which is in. May 15th to June 1st is the outside time around here, Then it'll be zucchini, pole beans, okra & cucumber. In July I'll start more broccoli & lettuce, garlic & onions. It's good to not wear several layers of clothing again.

Does anybody else grow veggies? how about flowers & such? Any interesting tales? Let's hear it for spring


New Member
*waves arm* Me! Me! :wave:

We have a corner lot and thus a huge lawn but we rent so we're not doing anything permanent with an outside garden. My boyfriend likes to cook so we bought some herbs we can keep in containers-two types of basil, parsley and chamomile.

As far as plants/flowers go, my current collection:

115 Tulips (orange/purple/red/white) in my lawn
1 Red New Guinea Impatiens
1 Lavender New Guinea Impatiens
1 12" Pointsettia
2 Purple and green Coleus
1 Orange and green Coleus
1 Red, black and green Coleus
3 Morning Glories (haven't bloomed yet)
1 Pothos ivy

When we finally settle somewhere permanent, Rusty's going to try his hand at vegetable gardening. By the way I subscribe to a good gardening message board, GardenWeb

We have been living in this apartment for a year next month. I finally met my neighbor across the street who came over to tell me how much she liked my tulips. :)
I garden too, at least, my dad has a seperate vegetable garden which I help to maintain....it's 200 sq meters.

We have tomatoes, broccoli, onions, garlic, lavas, patatoes, strawberries (a lot :)) and a lot more...


New Member
I mostly do the flower thing, we got a few thriving plants in the ground ... but my boyfriend and I are gonna start our veggie garden soon. Ooh, fresh salad :)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
PostCode said:
I go to the store and buy these things. Easier. :D

very true, yet there's something lacking in a tomato from the store, like taste:D

and I hafta grow a salsa garden-bottled stuff is usually nothing but spicy ketchup/ *New York City*


New Member
:mad: We have a tree on the property which drops jillions of keys. Jillions. Everywhere. I went out yesterday to see the state of the soil in the veggie patch, to estimate fertilizer etc, and there, in my garden, are a gazillion tiny trees growing. :mad: at least 2 - 3 per square inch. So now before I do anything I have to go out and pick each and every one of these fricken trees. AARGH! They are too hardy of a tree to just turn the soil, these things will grow no matter what the condition. Guess I have my Saturday planned now. :(


New Member
i grow, um, hot peppers. cayenne and jalapeno. indoors, under a 250 watt sodium vapor lamp. got the lamp form my old roomate who owed me money... some might say kinda a waste to use it on peppers.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
not a waste at all. Do they go outside in summer? if you have an overabundance, I'll take a few & make powder:D