Who broke OTC?


Staff member
WOW im confused now.

We are still concearned about justin? I talk to him once in a while over at HWC, dont really bring up the past with him. Just how he is doing now and what he is up to.

So what do you guys think if I merge XI and OTC?

Forums that dont match will add new forums and the ones that are the same but different names will merge along with users.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I'm a'gin it, but I also don't know what additional costs this is imposing on you. Obviously, that would be a concern.


Mushroom at large
Cato assures me he's got the JJR archive, so I'm less stressed about that. But now Cato's place is down too. Gotta wonder what door was left open.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Neo said:
So what do you guys think if I merge XI and OTC?
If it was only for me I wouldn't, but then I don't have a way to contribute here. You must do what you think is better for you.


Staff member
I don't like the idea...I like Xi being Xi. But, like everyone else has said...if it's a matter of money then I'd rather them merged than Xi lost...but if it's just to get the traffic up for Xi I don't think it's worth it.


holyhell .. didn't think I'd remember my password here :D

Just dropping in to say hey to HomeLan .. miss you ... hey to everyone else too :)


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
nalani said:
holyhell .. didn't think I'd remember my password here :D

Just dropping in to say hey to HomeLan .. miss you ... hey to everyone else too :)

Heya! I miss you too. How is every little damned thing? Christmas shaping up around your parts, or are you still scrambling (or both)?


hehehe .. well, every lil damned thing is ok ... Christmas won't really be here til I get a chance to get the rest of my shopping done. Kids are great - the eldest lives out in Waimea and is a lifeguard at one of the resorts on that side of the island. He's doing really well. The other two are in high and middle school (10th and 8th grade) .. and are umm.. 'testing' my patience a lot of the time LOL .. but for the most part, they're great kids and help take care of Ku'u's little ones. How's your boy doing? Geez, he's in high school already, isn't he? :D


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Feels like it some days. He's 5.5, and feeling his oats.

This Thanksgiving, we actually hosted for the first time in 10+ years. As we were sitting around, digesting, we broke out a game. Do you remember "Operation"? The one where you try to remove things from a patient with tweezers, and if the tweezers hit the side his nose lights up and it buzzes? T'was fairly popular when we were kids.

Anyway, we introduced V2.0 to it after T-day dinner. The 3rd time he blew it on the wishbone, he looked up, in front of Gramma and everyone, and said, "Well, that's a pain in the ass!"

Ah, the joys of child-rearing.


Mushroom at large
If that's the worst he's got for ya, you can start wearing out the knees of your best suit thanking Gawd, coz mine turns 5 tomorrow and he's looking to have way too much of his dad in him for any teacher's comfort.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Oh no, that's just the latest good one.

He's generally a pretty damn good kid, though.


Mushroom at large
My biggest horror is that, in his class is the daughter of a girl that went right through school with my brother, and they're well past best friends. If he arrives after her, she takes his lunchbox and takes him over to hang up his coat, etc. He's warned off another kid in the class that made her cry ... that sort of thing. Well, this little girl's grandmother and great aunt jsut happen to be close friends of my mothers ... and evidently this little girl explained in great detail to them all about how she and V3.0 were going to get married. I'm not sure that she cleared this all with him yet ... but we all know how wimmen are ... she tell him when she's cut off all the escape routes.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Only one? Time for you to count yer own blessings. V2.0 has that situation with THREE. Can you guess how that'll play out in a few years?

Given that they're all in the same private school, with a low student turnover, they'll all likely still be classmates.


Mushroom at large
Oh, there's more than one .... 'cept that she's fought most of the competition off. Unfortunately, she's with her father every other week and that lets the other girls back at him. But he's only got eyes for her. Not that he won't defend the others against any of the boys .... or the hall monitors.


Mushroom at large
Well these two know each other from time up at the lake, and she's totally out of her element with this separation/divorce crap with her parents. Not to mention that her dad lives about 100 miles out of the city ... so he's a real anchor for her at the moment. It's a sad story.