Where are you?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
+43.168736,-124.182090 is my house

But tonight I am here +45.482741,-122.819878...where am I? :D


Sayian Elite
(+42.855332,-078.698037) about 12 feet from my chair that holds the most important part of my body...my butt :hmm:


this is my special title
Originally posted by PostCode
+43.168736,-124.182090 is my house

But tonight I am here +45.482741,-122.819878...where am I? :D
just off of the highway in south Coquille, OR ..Currently in Beaverton, OR


New Member
World -> Asia -> South East Asia -> Malaysia -> Selangor Darul Ehsan -> Kajang -> Taman Kajang Utama -> Room (Ground Floor) -> In a chair looking at a PC monitor typing this msg :D


One of a Kind
Well, I ma right back in the same place. Where not the most importnat part of my body is, but at least the largest. My ass. I'm still in my pj's and it's 4:30!! He he. Being lazy can be fun!


New Member
You suck DP I want to be in my pajamas but i'm @ work in lovely downtown Houston, Texas. Jug was next to me but he has left for the day. :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug: I want one. *drooling* :cry: :cry: *then a tear*


One of a Kind
I have on pooh flanel pants and a Deftones shirt. Jealous? te he.

Oh yeah and in about 4 hours I will plastered at a dance club!


Kissy Goddess
Originally posted by Outlaw69

I didn't know Heaven had coordinates

Well, ya see, I hover over that area because I have a case I am working on there. Sorta like "Touched By An Angel"

....or just "Touched" :retard:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Hell if I know where I am. Look at Wineys & add a couple of nano-seconds to one &/or the other. I was gonna put a photo to show my 'hood, but that damned Terraserver.com has gone capitalist on me-that bites :evillaff: