Where are these people?


Staff member
another one i miss is DJ i havent seen him in a while. I know he had comp problems or something of that nature. But he was fun to have around. His big speakers and computer/radio mods were great.


Staff member
I saw him at HWC a couple weeks ago, trying to score a free monitor:laugh:...I think he got one too.:worm:


Staff member
hey nut. i see ya posting over at HWC everyonce and a while too.
Now if we could just tie ya up and keep ya here


Eee equals emcee squared...

I'm trying to get here more and more.... now that I scrapped that Epox board and moved to an MSI KT4VL board, my machine is running stable!

I popped the spare rig and need to get it going again now! :( Wasted a 2100+ chip in the process as well... grrrrrr! :D

I'll be around.......... lurking in the shadows.......... posting when you least expect it............. :wave:


Official Wine Taster
Xi was the "reason" I put on my nightgown, an' stumbled over to OTC...........though I shudder to post some "thank you" thread 'ere, that might dare to express appreciation towards those who've given such a great effort to make possible the opportunity to share with the "next generation", at the risk of leavin' some other poor sojourners out............

don't care........ I love ya Sam an' Fury! Forget about all the other rif-raff that live to make themselves "kings", at the exclusion of the tiny mice that reside here, in this hole...........:D

(I miss ya Sambonie!)


Staff member
Rene...we have no farkin idea what possessed *ahem*:retard: certain people to post inappropriate and simply ridiclous replies in your thank you thread at OTC, but rest asured.... the intent was appreciated by the ones who count!:thup:


Staff member
thanks reny Miss seeing you too. been a while man. but i know we are trying to plan some wine and beer making events here shortly.