

my days online are numbered
Well once again the lie that is Djcak has been fucked up.

on July 1st I for some stupid reason tried to take my own life.
as a result of that my wife and kids left me

I am currently seeing a counsler and I hope things turn out for the better

I still get to see my wife and kids but things aren't the same


New Member
Oh dude. Well. Glad to hear you didn't succeed. Get the counseling, get better. We're here if you want to get more off your chest.


Morris Dancer
My brother did what you tried DJ. Please don't go there.Kids need their DAD my friend even part time is better than no time.!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Have you tried professional help? Some times is hard to fight alone. Take care, wish you the best man, and count on us anytime... :)


im a freak im so proud of that
DJ i hate to sound mean but im glad you didnt die. there is always a better way than taking your own life. life can suck but it gets better trust me. you are never alone. i had a friend who tried to take his life last semester. he is doing much better. trust me if he can do it so can you. take it easy. and if this quote helps then I want you to remember it

to the world your one person. to one person your the world. you mean something to someone. also it takes more courage to face life than to look down the barrel of a gun. i know how bad that sounds but killing yourself is not going to solve anything and shows you cant face life. DJ we care about you. i hope your allright


New Member
<-- aka krusty

Listen to these guys DJ, they'd never abandon a friend in real need of support... you just have to ask nice. :retard:


New Member
thanks for asking

Dad died July 2002 at 88 years from pneumonia.

Mum turned 91 June 27 and she's just recovering from a lung infection which knocked her weight from 8 stone down to 6.


Staff member
Sorry to hear that about your dad, and your mom's lung infection. [manhug]


Staff member
warren, sorry to hear about your dad. you still seeing your mum on the weekends? take care of her and yourself.