Speak Easy my ARSE


Staff member
I'm not a coward to post anywhere.I asked in the post to tone it down a little. That was all.


Staff member
Now if you put my face on a pic like that it would scare all men into being gay or something... :scared:

Sorry dude I wasnt aware that if i edited a post that the "edited by" wouldnt show up. Wasn't trying to be sneaky or anything. :lurk:


New Member
seriously though, there was no nipple, there was no puss. So why did you edit them? What was it that crossed the line?


Staff member
It was because there wasnt any of that showing... :worm:

No, actually it was because where its leading to. I just dont want the thread to get out of hand. I know krusty has had to edit a few of the pics in there and these were called to my attention. Plus I couldnt open that thread anymore at work after my boss seen them.


New Member
if you are so worried about where it's going to lead to, and not the content that I posted, you could of locked the thread out?


Staff member
Well thats the thing, Id really like to leave it unlocked because there are some very nice pics in there. I just want to keep it "clean" for lack of a better word so anyone can view it where ever they are.
Does that make sense? wording might be funny...
anyways if i or anyone else cant open the thread because of what it shows then we gotta change it.


New Member
So what if we made a thread that the topic was:

"Prettiest women NOT FOR WORK!! Keep it Clean"

would that work for you?

I'm trying to compromise between you, the rules, and myself.... :D


Staff member
Br0ck - as a veteran of many babe threads here and on other boards the way I see it is that although your pics were nice (in fact I saved them :rolleyes: ) and didn't actually show anything naughty they still crossed some line.

I think the thing is that she wasn't actually wearing clothes so much as (ok lemme look again) ......umn barely covering herself with some articles.

I think the general guideline on this sorta thing is "would ya ever be able to see this on network t.v. or a non-nude beach". and maybe that's kinda vague as well, but it's a fine line but I could tell as soon as I saw the pics that you had slightly crossed it.


New Member
Originally posted by law2
It is an issue of liability. Especially in these days of sue happy world.

Hope you understand.

hehe, i guess you know since you are from porn land....hehe....how do i get there? :D :D :D

I understand Neo's point, and the others you brought up.


Staff member
No, I was at work at the time but i did get a good look before i did. :D