Something interesting I found in the source for a WinXP help file


Staff member
function MM_initTimelines() {
    //MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
    var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";

^-- Sure, it was made by Macromedia, but would MS really allow netscape browsers to view their help files? :eek:


Me neither. I just posted that in a hurry to make Fury feel good.:laugh:


Staff member
Part of the help file is compatible with Netscape. It is a Windows XP help file. I just thought that part was kinda odd. :retard:

You didn't have to post anything to try to make me feel better, s4. Actually I would've rathered you posted "WTF are you posting this shit for, you stupid dumb****? Why don't you go outside and get some air for a change?" instead of attempting to artificially raise my confidence that some people actually try to read and for the most part understand my posts. :eh:

But thanks anyway. I appreciate that you cared enough to post something to try to make me feel better ;)


Moderator from Hell

Ya know they probably just put that there as an anti-monopoly-suit counter-measure... because how can they be a monopoly if they "recognise" that Netscape is popular enough to warrant allowing it to read the Help files? ;)

Actually more probably, MS may have been forced to as part of the rulings of the initial lawsuits..... :)


Staff member
A monopoly by itself is not illegal. Abusing the power a company would have under that monopoly is.