So, what's YOUR text size?


Staff member
I was just wondering, cause I use a couple different text sizes occasionally and was curious as to what everyone else uses.

For my main monitor (11.5"), I use a text size of Normal (the middle option) cause it's just the right size at 800x600 and 1024x768.

On 19" monitors where I'm free to crank the res up to 1280x1024 or 1600x1200, I set it up to large or largest because it makes it easier to read at high resolutions.


Staff member
I use 800x600 on this 15" monitor cuz everything else looks bizarre, but when I get the 20" I may go with something else.


Staff member
text size :p

Go to view, text size

what's the little black dot next to?


Staff member
oh, I almost forgot... I use Larger text size on my second computer...

it's a 14 inch (12") 640x480 screen, but the image is pretty degraded and fuzzy, so tiny text sizes aren't too readable.


19" (18" viewable) I set it at Medium. If the site I'm viewign is using a smaller than normal font, I'll change it.

I didn't even know that there was an option there for that! I've always just held control and rolled the scroll wheel up or down.