

Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Thank you for your interest in The WeSaySo Corporation. I have received your resume, however your background is not a match with our current market demands. I will keep your information on file and should an opportunity arise which matches your background, I will follow-up with you. Good luck on your career search.

Best wishes,

Queen Bitch of the Universe
Recruiting and Staffing Manager
The WeSaySo Corporation

Why are flashes from 2000 popping in my head?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Here's another one:

Dear Eugene,

Thanks for submitting your application. We've received it, and promptly threw it in the trash.


The Rexexecution|Bitcdorkh Staff


New Member
It's tough out there... I can't even find any jobs that I qualify for in my salary range. I'm staying put for a while... Good luck Huge. :)


Staff member
We've received it, and promptly threw it in the trash.

Well at least they were honest instead of using the candycoated, "Don't call us, we'll call you. Uh-huh, don't let the door hit you on the way out!"


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Nah I made that up...but it was startling to hear it from the Rexexecution|Bitcdorkh Staff; those bastards are scary! :scared:


Mushroom at large
Might I offer a suggestion, as a former head of personnel? Change Eugene to Gene. Name association is a big, big factor in hiring. Gene was the head honcho at NASA. Eugene was a nerd in just about every high school flick.

After all, would you hire a guy named Pontius Pilate?


New Member
I considered that too but 'Trish' is girlish, childish even. Patricia sounds more professional. I agree with Prof on Gene instead of Eugene.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Professur said:
Might I offer a suggestion, as a former head of personnel? Change Eugene to Gene. Name association is a big, big factor in hiring. Gene was the head honcho at NASA. Eugene was a nerd in just about every high school flick.

After all, would you hire a guy named Pontius Pilate?

Well maybe back then...;)

I've gone the whole 9 yards when people do that "What do you prefer to be called" thing and when they even start to ask, I just say Euge. I personally hate the name Gene and only tolerate the name Eugene with people I know.

Maybe I should change my name to Max Power. :D

...and, oh yeah, Trish is a sexy name. :eyebrow2: :eyebrow2:


Staff member
Max Poer doesn't abbreviate. Each letter is as important as the one before it, maybe more important. No, as important!



New Member
I call 1 of my bitchs Trish... lot sexier than Patricia

Although when she pisses me off i call her toliet tishia :laugh: