Saw this over on V3D


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Trident?? WTF? Didn't those chipsets used to suck-diddily-uck? V3D

ATI & Nvidia Killer? 5:05 AM - Duane "Cp" Pemberton - Hardware: General Video News - (19)
In video card news, chip-maker Trident Microsystems has recently announced their new XP4 GPU which is said to offer full DirectX 9 compatability for under 100 bux. Gamers Depot interviews their VP of Marketing who among other things starts talking smack about their competition. Here's a quote:

GD: What do you think ATI and NVIDIA's response will be to these new chips?

Le: I think both ATI and NVIDIA will start buying Trident stock in bulk and try to take over our company somehow. However, we do have a few poison pills waiting for them to enjoy.


Staff member
That in itself deserves 4.5 retards, but since I can't make a half a retard, I'll round it up to 5. :retard::retard::retard::retard::retard:

But who knows, with all the crazy stuff that's been happening lately in the video card market, they just might pull it off.

But whatever happened to the XP1, 2, and 3? :confuse3:

Either way, hope they don't pull a Bitboys on us and turn out to be all talk. It's getting a bit boring with ATI and nVidia playing leapfrog, and PowerVR being the nearest competitor, taking up the rear a few miles back. :aheadbng:


Even the Flurffmeister™ is thinking of going XP, but he doesn't know what kind of experience he can offer that the ladies won't already get from him now. :cool: