San Fran PD rubs guy out in movie theater


Staff member
I actually saw them wheel this guy out strapped down to a stretcher last night. I didn't realize he was dead already though.

<a href=""><font>Story here</font></a>

[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by flavio ]


Staff member
Wow. Wonder what must've been going on in his mind when he was ordering the officers to shoot him


Staff member
There must have been 15-20 police cars there and 6-8 ambulances. Seems like there should have been a way for all those cops to subdue a guy with a knife without killing him.

I was just stepping out from work to get a pack of smokes when this happened. I walked out into allot of excitement.


New Member
What's this deal with the movie Swordfish. I was watching it last week at the Mercado and there are people in the audience 15 min into the movie. They had to call security to get them out.

I think the arugments started when Hallie Berry showed her hooters.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Dead guy was smoking a cigarette in the theatre, had the cops called on him & then pulled a knife on the PD. One cop was cut, one shot by a fellow officers weapon & the smoker is dead-SMOKING KILLS.
I'll take 500 on Marlboro, Alex :(


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Flav, tell the BART police I said hi. I used to always give them trouble lol.