Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

Hey all,

I used to post quite a bit on HardwareCentral. Lately they seem to have like nobody posting. Did all the HWC folks come here? What do you all think of HWC?

I posted a question here this morning and got more replys in 1 hour than I have in 2 days at HWC.

You guys case you didn't already know :lol:

Looks like I'll be here from now on :D

I know......I may have put this in the wrong thread...not sure?

Thanks all!!!


Staff member
Thats what the speak easy is for... :)
I think we all are\we're members at hwc at one time or another, we like to think this place is more relaxed and layed back, just a bunch of friends hanging out:)


Yep. A lot of HWC people have gone to other boards. Welcome B4TMANN!


Staff member
Welcome! Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:


Staff member
I think most of us are recovering HWC addicts. :D

Welcome BATMAN!!:wave:
Yeah, I still post at HWC sometimes though....there aren't a lot of interesting threads any more over there, but sometimes I read some of them and give some advice here and there....nothing more though.

I like it here. I visit Force3D also regularly, but most of the time I visit this place. It's the most relaxed forum I found.
Although the private forum at Force3D allows you to discuss some more private stuff which can't be read by 6 billion others....that's an advantage, although it's only relative I think :)

It's funny to see the same people at different boards though, it really makes the Internet a little bit more personal :)


Staff member
WAAAAAIIITTTTT!!! ...what about us?? Don't make me have to put this in the report...because, I will.:lurk:


Staff member
Yep. 9 posts and Bat-Dude is flirting with disaster....I hope he gets some karma soon, so I can demand it as a penalty. :D


You get karma buy answering posts and starting new threads. I've been drowning in karma lately. Must be all those news stories that I've been telling you folks about.


Staff member
You get rewarded points for starting threads, for your threads getting lots of views, for your threads getting lots of replies, and for putting a lot of thought into your posts.


Staff member
...putting lots of thougt into my replies....'zactly! that's why I earned about 7,563,582 karmas! why aren't they showing up in my profile? :D

*RAMS* flurf :sex:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
lots of thought-I only put up well thought out, truly important stuff like this or this, somtimes I even take polls, like this & hell, look here. There's more news tidbits than you'll find damn near anywhere(with Bubba's help of course) and I only have 20 someodd karma. So try again Flurffmeister:lurk:

it's a damned conspiracy I tell ya, where's fox mulder when you REALLY need him