Programming language assistance


Staff member
I want to make a communication program similar to ICQ, and I want to know what programming language would be best to do that.

My previous programming knowledge includes:

Light C
Even lighter C++ (got as far as Hello world, then the page I was learning from lost me)

I believe I have enough space for pretty much any programming language, and my CPU is probably powerful enough to compile any program with ease, so what I'm looking for is what programming language to learn in order to create this program.


New Member
My best guess would be C++, Java or JavaScript, in no specific order.

Other that that...I have no clue;)



I would recommend VB.Net. There is going to be a dvd of it in some programming mags in September. I don't know if this includes a beta, but one is available right now from MS's website for a few bucks. The only thing is that VB.Net requires Windows 2000 and will not work on 95, 98 or Me from what I read. Learn this language, and you'll probably do pretty good in the programming field. Another alternative is Delphi. A trial version can be found at

Designing a chat program may not be something you can do until you learn the basics of the language which will take some studying. C++ is not something you can learn in a few days. There are college people taking classes to learn it that have a difficult time. I have programmed quite a bit in pascal and vb, C++ is complicated.


I have been looking for an alternative icq program that supports activelists and simple chatting between two icq numbers. My conclusion is that icq2000b is the only program right now that does these things. If it weren't for chatting with a few people at XiBase, I wouldn't even install icq at all.


Staff member
Oh, I knew it was going to take time.

I just wanted to know what was the ideal programming language to do this kind of thing, so I wouldn't waste time learning a programming language that isn't capable of all the things I intend to do with it


Java (script... lol) ... seriously java, it's cross platform and very powerful, only 1 step up from c++ I believe


Staff member
There are so many chat programs out there right now I wouldn't waste my time.

If you do make one what are you going to do? Get everyone you know convinced to use yours as well as their normal one. I for instance have ~15 people I talk to on ICQ regularly. Say you made a nice program, even if I wanted to use it I would have to convince my 15 people to use it as well or run both programs.

Neither one of those options is going to happen.


I'm learning JAVA2 right now, then C and C++, and much later on, perl, php and cgi (probably not in that order).

I'd go for C++ or JAVA2. I'd not was my time on BASIC things, vb is just too slow for realistic programs larger than a few bytes. JAVA's multiplat form, but don't forget MS isn't supporting it in XP (if the courts unfortunately don't stop it).

How ever you get there, C is the way to go to make applications. I got a copy of Borland Builder 5 if you're interested in C++, you know where to reach me.

For now, I'm sticking with JAVA, as I'm learning it next year in school. If you wanna see what I've done so far (I'm learning outta Sam's JAVA2 in 24hours), check out . All my source and compiled appz are there, even an applet!


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I bought both VB and VC++ pro eons ago in Oakland and I never wound up doing anything with them. Someone give me an idea for a program. I took C back in college before C++ was adopted and I learned a lot (but forgot everything since).

Good luck with your program fury.