pink eye epidemic


New Member
There is a pink eye epidemic flying around Hilo :(

My sister has had it twice in a month ... my husband, my daughter, the kids/teachers at the school located on the same property as my office, they've all had it. There are two forms of it around, viral and bacterial.

Well, the thing that pisses me off, a teacher just asked me to download some pics off his memory stick and gives me the memory stick and cd to burn it on ... the problem, i only noticed afterwards that he has his sunglasses on indoors. When I asked, that ass confirmed that he has pink eye.

EEEEWWW!! Don't hand me anything that your bacterial hands have touched.

I now spent a good part of my morning scrubbing my hands and laptop *sulks* Stupid jerk. What the hell is he doing coming to work for ... he needs to be quarantined!


this is my special title
Ta-da! People are stoooopid. They cannot be trusted to self-police. You have to take the upper path and just go ahead an isolate yourself instead.


New Member
Ugh, I hate pink eye. Gross.

How did Mie handle it? That must be hard on a baby that age. The more you rub it, the more it itches, the worse it gets. You haven't gotten it yet? I'm surprised.

Sounds like you might have to start wearing rubber gloves to work. ;)

Hey, what happened with your job? Didn't you say something about your contract with them ending?


i'm amazed that ku'u and i haven't gotten *omits word for fear that putting the word in this sentence will make us get the word that is previously omitted*

ku'u - was that our dumb cousin who came in the glasses? He has a burner at home, why didn't he just take care of it himself? *gr* ... yeah folks .. our dumb cousin, a teacher whose sister is a nurse ...


New Member
yup, that's the dumb cousin ... whose sister AND mother are nurses. Idiot!

greenie - the baby was pitiful when she had it. I hate when she's ill, she makes me soooooooo sad.

[pink eye paranoia] you know that feeling you get when someone starts talking about lice and your head starts itching ... well, my eye is starting to burn [/paranoia]

Huge, if you just color the eyes in that smilie pink, that's exactly how people look around here :eek:


Hey now, Gato .. you have to weigh this out ...

stay home because you might get pink eye?
or come on down because me and ku'u are here?


btw- pink eye goes away in about a week .. the memory of me and ku'u will last a lifetime :D


Hmmm...risk a very communicable disease and help nalani with her caulk, :brow: or stay home, afraid, under the covers. Ohhh. That's a hard one. ;)


this is my special title
you too, mitch? :D This 'hard one' stuff seems to be a tragic disease that befalls all young men with intent to travel to the islands.


unc said:
This 'hard one' stuff seems to be a tragic disease that befalls all young men with intent to travel to the islands.

Fortunately, the hardness disappears when proper, moist massage is applied. :grinyes: