Pee-Wee Herman Accused of Hording Kiddie Porn



Another nasty accusation appears to be swirling around Paul Reubens, aka Pee-wee Herman.

Los Angeles police have raided the actor's Hollywood Hills home and seized material after an unidentified accuser claimed Reubens was into child pornography.

But Reubens' rep says the erstwhile Pee-wee is the victim of a vicious blackmail attempt.


Read the full story at the link above.

Micheal Jackson beware. Today Pee Wee, tomorrow Mikeee.:laugh:


Staff member
I think it sucks how much crap this guy has to deal with over some unsubstantiated rumors.


I find it difficult to believe this stuff. My first post was really just intended as a joke. I only believe about half of the stuff I read on the web.


Staff member
I just mean they're making jokes about it on the radio and t.v. and everywhere else and there's no facts yet to say that he's done anything wrong. Him and his spokesman have denied any involvement with kiddie-porn, but have admitted that there was "erotica" and probably legal porn.

Just imagine you had any kind of porn collection and someone that didn't like you "tipped off" the police and they raided your house took your stuff and you get your face plastered all over the news as if you were already a convicted child-molester.

Even if he's completely innocent, this has probably killed whatever remnants of a career he had left.


If I were Pee Wee, I wouldn't have any porn around. Porn is not good for the image. I agree that legal porn is nobody's business, but he makes a living entertaining children. That's like Cap. Kangaroo saying "cmon Sylvia, sit on my lap cause I'm a pervert". Would you really want your kids watching some guy that has a large stack of porn in his house?

I used to collect Playboy mags myself, but I finally threw them out because they were burried under a bunch of stuff collecting dust. What good are they anyway?


Originally posted by Professur
Um, he hasn't been entertaining kids for years.

Same difference. Isn't that how he got his name? He sure as hell didn't get the name Pee Wee by entertaining the over 30 crowd.


Staff member
Just because he used to have a kids show you're saying he shouldn't be allowed to have even legal porn in his own home?

He probably shouldn't be allowed to smoke, drink, or play violent videogames in his house either eh?


I really don't care what the guy does. He can have all the porn he wants for all I care. I'm just saying that if he is going to project some type of image of being a goody-two-shoes that he should be what he tries to act like. There is such a thing as being genuine and real insteal of phony and superficial. He got that house in the first place from having a kids show. It wouldn't hurt if he actually lived up to being what he tried to convince everyone that he was.

I agree that he can do anything he wants. He could even go out smoke dope for all I care, but he did make millions of dollars and a lot of fans by being a square, fun-loving guy with his style of comedy. He has some obligation to those fans to try to be what he told them he was while he was making those hard earned bucks that people dished out. It is not a question of if he can do those things legally, it is a question of how much he values his public image. If he would prefer porn over the image that he made, that is a choice he makes. If we wants to be the PEE WEE all the kids loved, he should think about giving up his porn.

Let's not kid ourselves. Hardcore porn is not something to be taken lightly. Just because it is legal doesn't mean everyone should have it. Can you imagine how the Pope would look with a copy of Hustler in his hands? You think he wouldn't loose some support? PEE WEE is in the same boat. He made his own image the way he wanted it, now he has to decide if that is important to him.


Staff member
He's an actor.

I suppose the guy that played Freddie Kruger should run around killing people since he portrayed the image of a killer a few years ago in the movies.


I was just having some fun here.

The truth of the matter is that if PEE WEE has some porn that is legal then it ain't nobody's business except his. He's a grown man and has a right to buy dirty books if he wants to. I couldn't care less.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by s4

Same difference. Isn't that how he got his name? He sure as hell didn't get the name Pee Wee by entertaining the over 30 crowd.

His last movie was Blow, definately not an under 15 movie, from the trailers I saw.