OS X.1


Staff member
I love how he thinks Mac has always been a better operating system and that Windows users should flock over to Macs immediately.

What a biased idiot.


New Member
I have OS 10.1 on the G4 that I have. It runs pretty nicely and I've had no kernel panics of any kinds on this update.

Pretty solid, but I'll still use the BEST of BOTH WORLDS.

1.3.7 Darwin Kernel Version 1.3.7: Sat Jun 9 11:12:48 PDT 2001; root:xnu/xnu-124.13.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Man, they're as bad as Microsoft. They just released that thing a few months ago and now they have an update to it already?


New Member
Originally posted by PostCode
Man, they're as bad as Microsoft. They just released that thing a few months ago and now they have an update to it already?

lol, well that 's why i use both OS's. I'm updating more than using! ;)


New Member
You what fury, as a joke, i'll post on OCN that you'd buy a Mac if you were in first place in G@H! Say, what if we all config our clients to dump into your account and you take over first place? Then as the man you are, you'd buy a Mac right? Oh boy, I can see fury with his brand new Indigo iMac! :p


Staff member
Oh please.

It would more preferrably be a dual 866 G4.

At least let me keep an ounce of my dignity! :retard:


Staff member
By the way, that means "Yes, I'd love for you all to dump on the flurffmeister :D"


New Member
Originally posted by fury
Oh please.

It would more preferrably be a dual 866 G4.

At least let me keep an ounce of my dignity! :retard:

LOL, ok ok! How about an Brand new iMac to be used as an anchor on the mighty USS Fluffmiester?


New Member
The day you show me a slip to your checking account to clear a check cut from the Apple Store. :D You wanted a Dualy 800? Better start saving boy.


Staff member
I'd buy a Compaq before I'd buy a Mac. And you know how much I can get to dislike OEM computers. For Compaq, multiply that by about 100 :mad:

if I'd buy a compaq before I'd buy a mac, there must be something seriously wrong with macs. :retard:


New Member
Without a doubt there is something wrong. I love going over to MacNN and start to irritate ppl over there on their boards.


Staff member
Light trolling is always fun and lightens up the mood ;)

Constant, bad trolling is a no-no :(

But mac users deserve all they get :D