OK What's with JJr's?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
As Prof said, no matter what you think of JJR512, the crowd there is one of the finest. Hopefully, it'll be back up soon, but almost everybody there knows of or is a member here, so...


this is my special title
:shrug: You get numb to it after a while. Its no big deal really. Its not like hes a shadow hovering all over everything in there. ... That was my job. :rubs hands together in evil scientist fashion:


Staff member
HomeLAN and prof are right. First of all, I met many very nice people there. Second, Justin did his damdest to keep his site going, I think his heart was in the right place. He has a baby due within the next week or so, so he'll have many more important things on his mind. No matter what; I wish him all the best and I hope he has a happy healthy baby.


Staff member
Most of the members and the site was nice, I admit that. I wish him all the best with his new occupation (baby) as well.

Yes, JJR512 is banned. If you have questions about it you can contact the webmaster. I realize some of you were moderators and/or very good friends with him and he may have related info regarding his situation to you. I ask that you please do not bring any of it into the public. Thanks


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Strange days again.

Kicked out of HWC only to have JJR512 go under. It is a shame. I emailed Justin today. I would be willing to pitch in to keep sites like his going. Maybe I'll just start my own.. I don't know. I guess it is all wdeep's fault after all (well....).

The web is the best thing and the worst thing. I guess I'll get over it.....


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Hi Outlaw. I check here daily. There was a lot more activity at JJR's (although not anymore ;)). Guess that will change too!

(ok wdeep, I WAS kidding).


New Member
In case no one's noticed, I've been behaving myself quite well lately at HWC's non-OT forums, and at OCN, and a few other places too. I think everyone should give me a break. :)


Originally posted by wdeep
In case no one's noticed, I've been behaving myself quite well lately at HWC's non-OT forums, and at OCN, and a few other places too. I think everyone should give me a break. :)

I was just givin' you some bs. Don't take it personally because I didn't mean anything by it. Actually, I'm glad to see a few people from the old ot forum that came here.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
Would you say you've lightened up, wdeep? ;)

I have my disagreements with both JJR and the administration here, as well as some other people (not many), but that does not mean I'll stop visiting either here or there. Don't judge a BB by just one person.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
JJR's people (with a few notable exceptions) are allowed to play a here, but please people
Play Nicely



New Member
Originally posted by Stop Laughing
Would you say you've lightened up, wdeep? ;)

Well of course I have! Can't you tell?



Stop Laughing is a laugh a minute... wdeep is welcome here just like anyone.

And Outlaw is right, wdeep knows his computer shit.