Let's see...

I'm gonna have the following setup next week:

1.2 GHz 266 MHz AMD Thunderbird
Asus A7V266
256 MB DDR Corsair
SB 1024 Player Live!
Asus V7700 DeLuxe GF2 GTS 32 MB

Since this will be my first experience with AMD CPU's (have always had P3's until now) I really don't know how much OC-ing I can expect.

Is it possible to use my old Alpha PAL-30T HS on that Thunderbird??

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I'm the opposing case, I never owned a P2/3 :D. I'm almost pretty sure you can't use the same cooler tough. I recall someone saying it has an dent(don't know if this is the correct word) that doesn't allow perfect contact. In any way all manufactures seem to offer different coolers for them.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Please don't use an Intel socket fan on that chip! Either you'll get imperfect contact and BBQ it, or you'll crunch the core applying it. Do yourself a huge favor and go get a good socket A HS/fan.

You can probably expect to get up over 1.3 with it, but as always, YMMV.