I'm lame...

...or so they say.

To be honest, I'm completely bored at the moment. Everybody I know is off to bed or out there somewhere partying.
Ans so I sit behind my monitor, reading that I'm lame, because I do not start my own threads ;)

No seriously, I don't very often start threads, because I like to stay in the background. But I do like to respond on certain issues, especially when they tend to end in great and long discussions :)

But otherwise, I'm plain bored at the moment.

..and I wanna get fuckin' laid for godsake...:cuss:

But that's not something I wanna bore you guys and gals with at the moment.

Goodnight! I'm off to bed too!


HeHe. I pissed everybody off. :D

Seriously, I wasn't talking about you. I used to go around to news sites and look for interesting stories like 'female teacher rapes kindergarten class all at once' and nobody would answer what I posted in the TP&P forum.

Now that I'm a member I don't care about setting an example and can have fun saying any kind of shit I feel like. Of course, I'm not gonna trash up the board because Sam and Fury are my friends, but I don't have to set any kind of example for anyone else or worry if I use the word fuck every once in a while. I don't have to have cares or worries about how the site is going to be run. A good mod keeps his mouth shut and watches his forum. I could never do that. I was always sticking my nose into things that were beyond what a mod should be concerned with.


Staff member
*smacks s4*.........you were not chosen to be a mod to set an example, or to change your posting style. You were chosen because we liked your regular ol' posting style you've been using all along. You were never expected to censor yourself, quite the contrary. :eh:


Yeah I know that when you're a mod here you can pretty can say what ya want, but somehow I felt compelled to go out of my way to be nice to people just so they would keep posting. The truth is that I am just like everybody else. I once heard someone here talk about how good and decent they think I am, but the truth of the matter is I probably cuss more than most of you.


There is no point.

Let me put this in order.

#1) I decided not to be a mod simply for the reason that I was tired of it. I'm always on here posting links to cool news stories and shit. Half the time people wont even click on the link.

#2) I posted that some people on the web are lame because they hardly ever post anything of their own, and they wont even answer someone else's posts. They prefer to sit around and let someone else make the board interesting. Then they complain that Xi is boring. I read just such a message not long ago, but I don't know if it is here for everyone to see.

#3) I was in chat last night and we started talking about the XFL football league. Then we started talking about Vince the owner or former owner -- dunno if he still has it of the WWF. We got to talking about rich people and whether they give a fuck. I decided this would be some good shit to stick in the forums to get people talking so I made a post about rich people in general. I kept it that way on purpose just to get people talking and made it just offensive enough that someone could possibly not like it.

#4) Shadowfax posts that he thinks I was referring to him or people like him that are lame. I tell him that he was not who I was talking about. I was just saying that if I start a topic about something that is news or some shit, very few people will jump in and talk about it. So why look for interesting stuff if nobody has anything to say?

See there is no point. These posts are not part of some grand thought process but rather random pieces of thought or shit.


Staff member
You are good and decent...that's why you have so many friends here. Just as water seeks it's own level..good and decent people seek their own kind.
I can tell a good person from a bullshitter in a minute and I think the majority of the people who frequent this site can too...
That is the biggest reason I hang out here.
The vast majority of people that do post here say what they mean and mean what they say.
The real s4 is one of those people.
I was really bored last night, s4.
I didn't think you were referring to me :)
I don't take things very personally very often, on the Internet.

You seem like a nice guy, and you do your best to make this forum a nice place to hang out.
I appreciate that, whether you're a mod, or a member. That doesn't matter.


Morris Dancer
s4 sounds like, apart from the false niceness, you had the mod game sussed. Can't stand the arbitary way some mods behave. No ref to Xi-base! Better to stay true than get right up yourself matey.


Psycho Penguin
hhhmmm. Agreed. Good words Q, Crabbles, s4......

"Lord its hard to be humble..." How did write that song? ;)


Unfortunately, false niceness doesn't describe me very well. I am that way in real life. Sometimes I am so nice that later I regret it. In this day and age, being nice is not an option.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
would all you lameassed retards get a life & post something of value instead of theis drivel? jeez:retard:

except Q who never posts useless drivel:rolleyes:


Staff member
Watch who you're calling a lameass retard there, buckaroo. :whip:
Also, I try not to make a habit of being nice. :evillaff: ...see? *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*


Staff member
You put that in later....no fair :lurk:....why I oughta....

*three stooges slap fest*