I think superstition is superstupid.


Staff member
Whoever is worried that opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck should worry first about the reason they'd need to open an umbrella before worrying about any bad luck that may come, because it's likely already bad luck that they need to open the umbrella in the first place.

And that whole having to throw salt over your shoulder after spilling salt thing? WTF? It would cause you to be in an endless loop, because if you threw salt over your shoulder, you'd have to do it over and over again because the salt just falls behind you to the floor. Unless, of course, you hold your plate behind your back where you'd be throwing the salt. But that would be quite a feat to accomplish.


I don't believe in these silly superstitions that some people come up with, but I think there is something about how your luck is running. On the few occasions when things have been good with me, everything seemed to go right, however there have been many more times when the pouring rain soaked me clear through and everything went bad.


Staff member
I have no doubt there is a way of luck running bad on some days, but it is not entirely out of our control. True, superstition is completely false and idiotic, but a period of time full of bad luck can very easily happen, and it is usually due to a negative attitude towards something that didn't go wrong early on in that period of time (usually a day, week, or sometimes even a month or year). If one were to turn a negative event around into a positive one and keep a cool head, a string of bad luck could easily be averted.

As difficult as that may seem, and it often is difficult, especially if you have a short fuse, it is usually the truth. Negative attitudes frequently attract negative luck.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Superstitions are older than modern man. They have a basis in truth(open the umbrella inside & knock over a lamp, for instance). But, luck is a pure figment of our imagination. Something happens all the time, good or bad, and the perceptions, as you pointed out Flurff, is where the course will take you. Wining the lottery isn't luck, it's just a matter of coincidence.

Make your own luck:eh:


New Member
I don't believe in western superstitions, 'cause the western world is so far removed from anything spiritual and cultural that those superstitions are dumb.

However, living in Hawaii, where spirituality and cultural beliefs runs rampant, I strongly believe in our superstitions.


New Member
When I think "western", I think of concrete jungle, chemical medicines, etc. Many origins of western superstition is lost, their point meaningless. Where did the meaning go? If we knew the basis for these superstitions, it wouldn't seem so stupid, now would it?

Many native cultures around the world that seem "uncivilized" in western terms, have many superstitions that have basis in their cultural beliefs. To discredit those sperstitions is egocentric, saying people who believe in superstitions are ... how shall I say it? "Superstupid".

So I don't cut my hair and nails at night and leave them lying around to blow in the wind because someone may come and use them as "bait" against me. People here still know how to use that "bait" and hurt me. I don't think I'm stupid because of that, I don't have a MEd for being stupid.


this is my special title
Ok ... I can accept that. Its just that you didn't qualify your statement as being limited to the big city mindset. When you said western culture... I took it as every last little shred of its existence. Such a broad condemnation would be a gut punch to 90% of the members of this board. That was what was bugging me. I'll put the ass whippin' paddle back in the drawer ... for now. ;)


unclehobart said:
I'm disappointed in hearing such a broad sweeping condemnation come from you, Ku'u.

*is disappointed that you're dissapointed*

I have to agree whole-heartedly with ku'u. Those superstitions are indeed, older than urban society and because the understanding no longer exists, the "superstitions" have become meaningless gestures.

Here in Hawai'i, we're careful about the things we say because we know that there is life and death in the spoken word ... and there are those who still know how to use those words.

In all actuality, I do not regard our beliefs as superstitions but rather a way of life. Superstitions implies something that has no basis and is not regarded as truth by the majority.

Do I believe in fate? Yes. It is somewhat of a Hawaiian ideal as well but not entirely the way Western cultures understand it. I believe we tempt fate as well. Do I believe in destiny? Yes, in much the same way I believe in fate. How about those here who still practice their native cultures? Anyone care to comment?


Official Wine Taster
kuulani said:
When I think "western", I think of concrete jungle, chemical medicines, etc. Many origins of western superstition is lost, their point meaningless. Where did the meaning go? If we knew the basis for these superstitions, it wouldn't seem so stupid, now would it?

Per'aps once you an' I 'ave the takin' the opportunity to walk at least a mile in each other's shoes, we'll be able to understan' one another, an' maybe even accept the fact that neither one of us has this thing we call, "life" figured out..............


75renegade said:
nalani said:
* all of the sudden feeling like I'm in the middle of an After School Special *



geeeeeezzz renegade ... relax ... or did you conveniently miss the smiley face at the end of my post? :rolleyes:


New Member
Did you realize that most tall buildings in this country (USA) do not have a 13th floor? Check it out. The elevators go 11, 12, 14, 15, etc.


Staff member
No shit? Never been in a building taller than 12 before, so I wouldn't know.