I finally got a burner


Staff member
And this time it actually ISN'T a stove or a match or a lighter. It's a real CD burner. Digital Research Technologies (the BIOS and Windows both say OptoRite) 48x16x48...

16x is fast, burns a CD in 5 minutes (that's the fastest CD-R I have except the 32x the burner came with)


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
ptui! I spit on your burner! ;)

I'm beginning to really like my TDK 48/24/48 rom.


Staff member
For $50, this is a pretty good burner. Nero gives me a read error when I burn large amounts of data, but the verify goes OK and the CD can be read afterwards.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
16x10x32 is quick enough, especially after teh 4x it replaced.

OK fury, get to burning .mp3s, FoSE stuff, nekid girlie pics...


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Saw in a compuseless-a ad yesterday that 52x burners are out (think it was 52/12/48?)


Staff member
I've only just recently started seeing CD-R's certified for 52x operation... methinks the CD-R companies need to meet up with the CD-R drive companies and make sure they can do a simultaneous release of x speed drives and x speed certified discs. At this rate we're gonna have 120x burners in a couple years and still be stuck with only 90x discs.

"COME ON, MAN, 90 WHOLE SECONDS TO BURN A CD? Jeezus, I swear it'd be faster to drive my hard drive over to the CD stamping plant, plug it into a computer, and have them stamp a CD! :rolleyes:"



Staff member
I'm loving my 48x16x48 still. Haven't had any troubles with it since I switched to using new media (Audiobahn, and most recently Maxell)


Mushroom at large
You're not gonna get anything faster than 52X CDRW. No point. Any development will be in DVD-R and DVD-RW. Let's face it. How fast do you really need to burn 700M?


Staff member
Must be some new kind of CD-R, because 200mb overburning is most likely beyond the capabilities of even the best burning software.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Probably, although I don't do it. My burner came with Nero Express and I don't think I can do overburning with it.


fury said:
Must be some new kind of CD-R, because 200mb overburning is most likely beyond the capabilities of even the best burning software.

Has to be the cd-r, any 700-750mb cd won't be capable of more than say 10-20mb more, the software can't go above the cd-r capability, overburning just uses that 'extra space' if available. Theres 800 and 900MB cds, but your burner has to be capable of reading the added sectors and overburning, my Plextor 48X can, the Lite-On can with some and with others dosen't see over 700-750mb (800-900mb cd-rs)


New Member
I miss the old Verbatium discs....plain white top, blue backs...the perfered CD-R of live-music traders. but I can't find them anymore, used to be at Sams club, but not any more.