I feel sorry for...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
among others;

Boston Drivers-along I495, the exits must move from day to day. I've encountered this phenomena in other cities, but none as bad as Boston.

At least 25 cars(not large or even medium duty trucks) cut from the center lane to the exit in a 60 mile stretch of the interstate. I've heard of this problem, but never witnessed it directly. As you drive along, blocking 4 miles of trucks behind you, because Mass. has a law about no trucks in the left lane(hammer lane), you look up & see the exit, that last night was another 4 miles down the road, has suddenly moved right HERE. You must immediately slam on the brakes & swerve violently to the right, hoping not to hit the van full of nuns, as you exit the highway.

So, all Boston area drivers-I hope you can get this fixed, or call in the X-Files team to investigate.