Here we go again......


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
This makes number 4. Yep, that same 40GB IBM Deskstar drive died again. I managed to sell the other one that died after I got the replacment back. This last replacement lasted a whole two months. I'm impressed. Maybe I'll get real lucky and this one will last for three months. :rolleyes:


Staff member
posty, cut your losses man. Get a WD or maxtor and live a more normal life with hdd's.


Staff member
You must be abusing your drives or something. Mine still ain't dead :D



Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Nope. I can overclocke the system with the IBM drive in. It dosen't like anything faster than 100 on the FSB, POS drive it is. Nope, I'm gonna sale it when I get the replacement in. I've already ordered a new WD 80GB. I was looking at that new 200GB drive...drool....


Hardware Reviewer
Yeah I think 80gb WDSE will be my next drive as well. Actually, newegg has the 40gb model in stock for $90, but I think the 80gb isn't more than $15 more :rolleyes:

I'll pick one up as soon as I start selling more of my current stuff to pay off my huge debt after buying the P4 parts that should arrive on Monday :D


New Member
I have also had a few issues with ibm's 18gb scsi's. NEO if your company is still looking at 400's, make sure to get a serivce contact with 4 hour turn around on service calls (most times this means you get extra drives on site that you can use to replace dead ones with). But all mine that have failed were dated 9-2001 nothing else has died


Staff member
soni OMG its been a while. Thats what i went with now. makes life so much easier.
Hey when you get a chance i got a couple of ??'s about the oce9300.


New Member
Fire away in PM.

I dont know much about the 9300 at this time (no use for it, all my plots must be in color, damn Boss)
But i can get you the answers you need quickly


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I got that drive back about a week ago. It's still in the wrapper. I figure if I leave it there, it'll last longer. :lol: