Happy birthday RRFIELD and DNAR


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
:hbd: Dnar-since you actually come & visit

:hbd: rrfield, in case you show up


Psycho Penguin
Thanks guys. This year a major stuff up with our bank and credit cards leaves us without any cash or ability to purchase ANYTHING for the weekend..... That includes BEER. ARRGRHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first dry birthday I have experienced since I was like 15 or 16........

:smash: :retard: :confused: :mad: :eek: :eh: :yawn:

RRFIELD - All the best! Aint Aquarians just the best people? :lol:


Staff member
Dnar, doncha got any friends over there?? Make them buy the beer! :D:beerchug:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!! :hbd: :dance: :smoke:


Psycho Penguin
It was a little late for that last nite. We spent the afternoon/evening at my sister-in-laws, her boy Thomas had his birthday party.... We are one day apart. He's a neato kid, he is autistic (although I reckon he's a genious) anyway he just turned 3. (Helen and I are his God Parents). Its a real shame to see kids like that.... Its not fair!!!! :cry: