Eyes or Heart? Your choice


New Member
We know that eating too much eggs can raise the blood cholestrol levels. Not good for your heard.

But eggs can also be a good source of two nutrients that are important for eye health.

Researchers believe that lutein and zeaxanthin (part of the same carotenoid family that betacarotene belongs to) may help prevent macular age related degeneration.

Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 70, No.2


New Member
Beer is bad for your eyes. After a few cans, my aim in FPS sucks. Proof that beer screws your vision.


Staff member
while you may be correct in that your aim in FPS games is altered after a few cans of beer, sin2, you're not entirely correct.

After a few cans of beer, your judgement is impaired, therefore causing you to think things like "Ahh my vision is just fine, the mouse is just screwed up"

After a few cans of beer, you FEEL fine, and that's the important thing. :D


New Member
William Butler Yeats once said: "The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober" ... how true is that? :D