

Felix Culpa
Euthanasia or assisted suicide in Greek means "easy death".

There are two types of euthanasia. The first type is the one discussed the most often;

Active euthanasia is the use of tools to induce death; that is, drug overdoses, stopping life-saving devices, poisons, suffication etc...

Passive Euthnasia is when someone stops caring for themselves; that is, they know that they are ill, but stop taking their pills, going to doctors, going to a hospital, when they know taht this will lead to their death.

Euthanasia is talked about in the critically ill or old. When people cannot go on living because of constant pain, because they cannot move anymore, because they cannot think anymore or have no control over their bodily functions.

Would you consider this as a viable option for yourself if you, or someone that you loved, were placed in such a situation?


New Member
Deja Vu! :D Just replied to the one at OTC

I would hope never to be deprived of an oppertunity to leave this life...


New Member
Bish is double posting? I guess he wants to cover all the bases. :)

Squiggs, can you copy your response here? I'd like to hear it.

I used to think I was totally in favor of this. But the last time we had this discussion, someone brought up some "gray area" that made me somewhat unsure.

My parents made me the executor of their Living Will. They want no heroic efforts made should they be incapacitated and I'm prepared to honor their wishes.

But if they were both dying of cancer and wanted to die, I don't know if I could help them do it. If they did it themselves and told me about it beforehand, I don't know what I would do. I've never seen anyone deteriorate from a disease, I've only seen the end result. Many of the deaths in my family were very sudden-heart attacks, freak accidents. Only my Grandmother died of cancer and her decline was very quick. Two months was all it took from diagnosis to death. I saw her in the hospital looking a little tired but otherwise fine and the next time I saw her, I was preparing to transport her home to die.

I don't know. What are the "guidelines"? When is it plain old suicide? If you're ok with it for terminally ill, would you be ok with it for someone who was in their 20's and just didn't want to live anymore? Why is that wrong but the other right? So many questions.


Felix Culpa
Originally posted by greenfreak
Bish is double posting? I guess he wants to cover all the bases. :)

Actually...I was looking to see the differences in the types of responces on here AOT the ones on OTC....see how much smarter this site was than the other.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I would not do it and would not enforce it in any way. I don't support pain very nicely, but according to my beliefs this is immoral(?). So I would ask that the same is not done to me. Though the efforts to keep people alive should never go beyond the reasonable...


Staff member
i want no heroics either. let me go. its my time, why prevent the inevitable. I dont think i could help someone along though, and i would loath having to be the one saying "pull the plug" But if its their wish as mine then i would muster the courage.


Staff member
Think about it this way...if you pulled the plug on a loved one woudl you ever stop wondering if MAYBE through some small miracle they would have recovered somehow? What if the day after there was a solution to what was wrong with them?

Xibase was completely dead for awhile, no life at all, no new posts in days and prolly even weeks at a time. Some might have been thinking "Why does this site exist? It is just taking up precious space on the net." But look at it now slowly and surely it is coming back to life. Now, Sammy Baby doesn't have to wonder "Would the site have got revived?" cause he left it to it's own fate and lookie what happened!


New Member
The only person close to me that has died was my aunty (who I considered my 2nd mother), and she had a heart attack. But in the past year, both of my brother-in-law's parents succumbed to cancer, and I saw firsthand how painful it was for his parents and the family.

I seriously don't know what I would do if my parents or grandparents were dying. I would like to say that I would follow their wishes when their time comes, and hopefully that is what I do when it happens.

Death is a part of life, it'll happen whether I like it or not. And here's another point I'd like to make, keeping someone "alive" on machines is not natural. Is that person truly "alive" - are we doing that person a favor or just being selfish?


Felix Culpa
Originally posted by Professur
Um, Bish? You do know that high speed lead poisoning means being shot, doncha?

Umh...yeahyeah...I guess so

I was thinking of shooting up melted lead...that might work too.

High speed dirt!


Felix Culpa
I have not been faced with that kind of decision, though I may have to eventually. My favorite aunt has just faced her second cancer and came out the other side. She's not getting any younger though, and with no hubby/children will fall to me and my sister for those decisions when the time comes.

I'm not looking forward to it at all.


im a freak im so proud of that
ill say it on here too. Im for it but only if the person has made the decision to do so. noone should have the decision made for them either they want to live or they dont. however I would try to talk them out of it but I wont stop them from making said decision. same with the suicide


New Member
Professur said:
Bish, why the hell would it be your decision? Living will, dude. Say it with me. Living. Will.

yeah. that and a $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.
(at least around here. not sure of the laws up north.)
i've seen lots of DNR orders rescinded by family members of terminally ill patients. i've seen patients placed on vents that didn't want to be on them because a family member wanted it.
best bet to avoid those situations is to either give power of attorney of assign a health care proxy to someone you know is on the same page as you as far as what you want/don't want done. those individuals have the final say over what is to be done.
power of attorney and health care proxies dont have to be family members.


New Member
Sorry gf...this is the first time I checked back in this thread. My response was posted in my reply.

I would hope never to be deprived of an oppertunity to leave this life.

Spot, if they bring someone in who is unconscious and wearing a T shirt that said DNR, would that create problems? I once started writing a scenerio for ER using that idea with them rushing to get legal advice before proceeding...:D


New Member
Squiggy said:
Sorry gf...this is the first time I checked back in this thread. My response was posted in my reply.

I would hope never to be deprived of an oppertunity to leave this life.

Spot, if they bring someone in who is unconscious and wearing a T shirt that said DNR, would that create problems? I once started writing a scenerio for ER using that idea with them rushing to get legal advice before proceeding...:D

a t-shirt...probably not. just in case like PT said...
tatooed on their chest, more than likely :)