


That's a good question Unc. Ethics means different things to different people. I do not think there is a universally accepted standard of ethics. Even different countries have different standards of "ethics".


Staff member
Ethics is a subjective concept. There is no written rule about what should be considered good and what should be considered bad, it is an idea that is shaped to match each individual's way of life. For example, pimps and hookers inherently have lower standards of ethics than that of someone who had a painfully strict upbringing.

Each person's standard of ethics is generally shaped by a few different things; how much their parents care about how their child turns out, their surroundings (i.e. neighborhood, classmates, friends), and what kind of Big Picture™ the parents and the surroundings paint.

What I mean, is that a child who is
  • left unattended for the majority of his/her life,
  • is silenced most of the time by his parents because they are lazy bastards and want to turn their child into a mindless drone so he/she is easier to watch,
  • lives in a bad neighborhood
  • and goes to school with a group of bad kids
is going to grow up seeing that much of the world is going to be like this, and is not going to have very good ethical reasoning on the level that we do.

And a child who is
  • cared for and taught great ideas and concepts like freedom of speech, religion, etc,
  • is shown the good things in life like caring, helping out one another, etc
  • lives in a friendly neighborhood,
  • goes to a good school
  • and has true, genuine friends who don't backstab or try to influence each other in a bad way,
is going to grow up with a much different set of ethics.

Not to say any one way of ethics is bad, but to some of us, there are some ideal ethics that are more desirable than others.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Fury said:
lives in a bad neighborhood

Definition please. Living somewhere has little affect on the person unless said person chooses to follow bad examples. ie-my mother beat me, so now I must beat my children-bullshit. That is a cop out. As is blaming your background on why you've never succeeded.

The ethics is an interesting query though, it's immoral to murder someone in modern America, but in some ancient, and not so ancient, tribes, cannabalism was practiced. It is, or seems to be, a morality issue that can change with the times.
There are several lines I won't cross, ethically, which have made me a poorer, yet happier man.


Staff member
OK, so maybe it's not so much being in a bad neighborhood. *hides from Gonz*


hey, i live in a bad neighborhood and look at me... i'm just fine... sure you might think i'm a little opinionated, so if you do, you can go fuck yourself for all i care...

ethics are highly overrated... in other words, fuck em all... you know how there's this saying "shoot em all and let god sort em out" well i say just shoot em all... cause there is no god to sort em out... and anyone who thinks there is is a stupid motherufkcer :lol:


Staff member
Well there's one who doesn't have a line he refuses to cross.

WTF is up with you man? Are you saying everybody who disagrees with you should be shot?
I view ethics as practical matter, in other words it is learned through action or practice. An erudite individual will have greater ethics than that of a nescient individual, because the more well conned of the two will have experienced a greater spectrum of how the world works from his or her scholarship than the witless, and thus he or she shall then, due to knowing the negative consequences of past mistakes recorded in history as well as the positive rewards that follow good deeds and well informed decisions, be able to determine personally what is right and what is wrong.

I am rather acromatic if I may say so myself, for instance, and I am aware of the repercussions that come with the act of evil-doing such as murder, rape, destruction of property, etc.

In the end, only those who attain great levels of insight into the functions of the world and the functions of the inhabitants of the world can comprehend all possible risks they can take, and consequently, the awards or penalties that come upon each possible action, and be able to make their own decisions as to which actions to do.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
seclusion said:
hey, i live in a bad neighborhood and look at me... i'm just fine... sure you might think i'm a little opinionated, so if you do, you can go fuck yourself for all i care...

ethics are highly overrated... in other words, fuck em all... you know how there's this saying "shoot em all and let god sort em out" well i say just shoot em all... cause there is no god to sort em out... and anyone who thinks there is is a stupid motherufkcer :lol:

Coming in here and shooting off like that isn't called for. If your going to try to converse on an intelligent level, at least leave out the word fuck in every sentence. It makes you look illiterate.


Mushroom at large
If ethics are so subjective, why does each and every religion have a version of the ten commandments at it's heart?