Do ya believe in "Demonic" activity?


Official Wine Taster
....or the concept of "Lucifer" the fallen one? The whole idea of spirit beings carryin' on a specific agenda in an' around the habitation of mankind..............Is it possible, in YER mind, that they can actually 'ave an effect on yer life or the lives of others?? ...........(Think about it.......):lurk:


Staff member
The literal term of demonic is motivated by a spiritual force or genius; inspired...

By this definition, I do believe in demonic activity. Inspirations happen all the time.

Demonic activity in the sense of Satan, however, I do not believe in. I see it as merely an excuse for insecure people to use when they do not understand something that surprises them in a negative way.

Ever notice that claims of sighting of demonic activity have dramatically dropped as time went on? For example, witch burnings were rampant in olden times because when someone made an accurate prediction, nobody knew how it happened, and they resorted to assuming it to be demonic activity - do you see much of that nowadays? People got smarter is the only explanation for that; the majority of people know now, that accurate predictions are entirely possible without demonic influence.

Does that make any sense?


Official Wine Taster
Hey Fur!

Sorry Bro........I'm not referrin' this question to the "inspirations of men" nor the idea of folks bein' irresponsible" fer their own actions an' so on.......I'm talkin' 'bout spirit entities with a will of their own, (unseen), no "sighting", like some kinda UFO, were talkin' spiritual & mental/emotional influencin' goin' on all around us! (This is an age-old question, not one of "contemporary-make ya feel good merit")............So, why don't ya believe?? Ever sat in on a saeonce(sp), candles an' chantin, blah blah......?, (by the way, I don't recommend it!!):scared:


Staff member
Because the very idea is absurd. The idea that we have no willpower over the way our lives turn out. I do believe in fate to some extent, but I also believe that fate is not always predetermined, and that it depends on your actions and reactions. Any spiritual, mental, or emotional influencing going on changing the way people act is purely imagined as far as I see it.


Staff member
Yes, I believe It is out there. Havent seen a manifestion but i do believe.


Official Wine Taster
fury said:
Because the very idea is absurd. The idea that we have no willpower over the way our lives turn out. I do believe in fate to some extent, but I also believe that fate is not always predetermined, and that it depends on your actions and reactions. Any spiritual, mental, or emotional influencing going on changing the way people act is purely imagined as far as I see it.
Ofcourse we 'ave a "will" of our own, (I believe it's God-given) inspite of "demonic powers". Since when was the concept of "fate" ever accepted as "premeditated" anyhows? (Like by whom?)............By the way, I'm not suggestin' folks' will is "changed" by demonic presense, only "influenced". Per'aps yer made of, I'm made of paper-mache'............though in my mind I'm Invincable!!:D


Staff member
Ahh, I misread your post. I still don't think it is feasible for a demonic presence to influence anything. IMO, the idea of evil presence is, like I said in another thread, just a story made up a long time ago to scare naughty kids into behaving.


yes, I do ..

I believe there are demonic forces only because it's a way for me to more readily accept the sh*t that some people do to each other ...

I also believe in the good in people ... well, most people .... cause some people are just sorry excuses for human beings ...

again .. I ain't quite myself .... so if I go off on venting tantrums, don't mind me ...


I think if you accept that Jesus is real you also have to accept that Satan is also. It's pretty difficult to believe in some kind of religion without having both good and evil.


Psycho Penguin
Yes I do. The battle feild is the human mind. Satan knows our every weakness, and he plays on them. He is a total scum bag.


Staff member
Due to the excellently thought out posts in some recent threads, I'll be assigning karma bonuses to the people who have posted in them. :thup:

(all except for me of course, cause that wouldn't be fair)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I suppose one has to believe in a god to believe in the other half. Being an athiest myself I don't believe in either.


Psycho Penguin
For those that have trouble understanding tjhe concept of "Spiritual Realm", its much like the paradigm shift in "The Matrix".

What we see here on Earth 'aint the whole story, and our short short life is but a split second compared to eternity....


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
dnar said:
For those that have trouble understanding tjhe concept of "Spiritual Realm", its much like the paradigm shift in "The Matrix".

What we see here on Earth 'aint the whole story, and our short short life is but a split second compared to eternity....

That it is. A very short time period indeed.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Ying/Yang, Good/Evil, God/Mestopholes, man/woman(sorry, I had to do that-the devil made me:D)

There must be a balance in nature. As far as the specifc question , no...Satan didn't appear at all until the New Testament, so the Jews were never that evil? Don't bring up Beezebob, he was a Caananite devil. Evil incarnate, as a metaphysical ideal is purely human. God would only need not allow "sinners" in to be be hell, isn't that fairly accurate?

There is plenty of "evil" in our world, but with 6billion people, 'tis to be expected.:(


Official Wine Taster
Gonz, do ya remember when the name, "Lucifer" (Son of light) originated? No "New Testament" existed then.............:lurk:


1 of 3
The idea that Lucifer was God's right hand angel who decided to rally and incite other angels to overthrow God is such a wild concept, yet I honestly believed it occurred. It is an example of the ultimate battle of good vs. evil. Based on this, are we to believe that Lucifer and angels created in that era had a soul and were capable of free will? What I know of the theory of angels today, is that they have no free will, hence no soul.
It is truly an enigma that we may never know the answer to as mere mortal human beings.


this is my special title
No gods, no masters, no demons, no sprites, no fairies, no crop circle aliens, no Loch Ness monster, none of that mysterious fear based hooey.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
unclehobart said:
No gods, no masters, no demons, no sprites, no fairies, no crop circle aliens, no Loch Ness monster, none of that mysterious fear based hooey.

And no computer gremlins either. :D