Computer Addiction


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
Do any of these stories sound familiar to you?

At Home:

A mother has difficulty getting her child to do chores when computer games occupy all after school time.
A husband finds his wife increasingly neglects family duties, is irritable at family gatherings, and the phone bill has risen astronomically to an on-line
service number.
Someone connects to the Internet at 9:00 PM and suddenly discovers it is dawn and he has not left the computer.

At School:

A child's grades fall and the teacher notes that he/she is falling asleep in class.
A college freshman gets a mid-term warning because he is not keeping up with course work. Instead, he is spending every evening on the Internet
communicating with all his family and former high school classmates, and rarely joins in social activities on campus.

At Work:

An employee starts to fall behind at work and a rising number of sick days raises questions about usefulness to his/her employer.
A corporate department head stays late each night to meet deadlines. In-house monitoring of computer use reveals he frequently accesses
inappropriate sites, including gambling and pornography.
An office supervisor suddently resigns from her job. A lot of work is unfinished and the company asks her family to encurage her to return. They find
her at home, hunched over a computer and out cold completely oblivious to her surroundings.

THESE ARE ALL EXAMPLES of a condition called Computer Addiction, Internet Addictive Disorder or Cyberaddiction. It is a problem very similar to
Pathological Gambling or Compulsive Shopping. Like other addictions, it affects other people -- family, friends, and co-workers. Spouses complain that their loved
ones neglect them. Couples separate when one of the partners finds someone else on the Internet and leaves home. Like gamblers they compulsively keep investing
time and money. They fantasize that the next connection they make will solve all their problems.


Psychological Symptoms

Having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer
Inability to stop the activity
Craving more and more time at the computer
Neglect of family and friends
Feeling empty, depressed, irritable when not at the computer
Lying to employers and family about activities
Problems with school or job

Physical Symptoms

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Dry eyes
Migraine headaches
Back aches
Eating irregularities, such as skipping meals
Failure to attend to personal hygiene
Sleep disturbances, change in sleep pattern

COMPUTER ADDICTION HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED by many professionals and the media. Family therapists hear about it frequently. Clinical
Psychiatric News reports increasing complaints related to computer use. At many colleges and universities, counselors and Deans of Students report increases in
inappropriate and exessive computer use associated with rule infractions, student failures and academic drop-outs. Lawyers find that compulsive computer use can
be a major factor in divorce.

LIKE ANY ADDICTION this one can be treated. Dr. Orzack believes that one of the most effective methods to deal with all these types of problems is
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which teaches the patient to identify the problem, to solve the problem and to learn coping skills to prevent relapse. Often the treatment
is helped by medication. In addition she recommends support groups for the other affected persons. She does not treat online, stating, "I'm licensed in
Massachusetts, not in cyberspace".



Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
That sounded like me this time last year. I was on the net 12-16 hours a day. :eek:


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
I guess I am OK, I got Cable Modem.

And don't you f#&ken touch it EVER again!