Chocolate Mint Sundae


Staff member
Chocolate mint sauce transforms basic ice cream into
something special.

Serves 3-4

1 1/2 ounces Chocolate, unsweetened
2 Tablespoons Water
1/2 cup Granulated sugar
1/4 cup Light corn syrup
1/3 cup Cream
1/4 teaspoon Peppermint extract
1 pint Vanilla ice cream
Whipped cream
Toasted almonds

Heat the chocolate and water in a metal bowl over simmering
water on the stove. When the chocolate is melted, add the
sugar and syrup. Continue to heat, stirring often, until
beginning to thicken (about 20 minutes). Whisk in the cream
and peppermint extract. Heat for 5 minutes longer. Allow to
cool. Place the ice cream in individual bowls. Top with the
sauce, whipped cream, and almonds.
