Can Someone With The Original CD of... ™

I'm looking for the original CD Case of Enigma's The Screeen Behind The Mirror.

There is something in the text that I am desperately looking for... if you have the original CD, it should be in a cardboard box type thing and there should be really small text in the insert.

The front of the disc case should look like this:


If you have this CD, please, I beg you to get in touch with me through [email protected]

Thanks for the help everyone.


Kissy Goddess
Did you try EBay?

I belong to another MB that has a forum for that kind of thing, too. A "Swap Meet" forum. I can ask in there if you like?


I kid you not! I think I may have heard it mentioned before, perhaps from you, I"m not sure, but I've never HEARD it before.


Staff member
Toolbox, try Off Topic at Anandtech. There's so many users somebody probably has it. I post there sometimes, but a thread in OT will get 20 replies and still get buried in an hour so it's a little weird.