Are you fat?


New Member
Q said:
me and greenie look so much's scary

Looking at your member gallery pic, I think there might be some similarities there. You wear glasses, right? That pic of me was a little far away... My hair hasn't been this long in years... Take a look:

Rusty & Trish 2000

So I get the idea that you don't like pictures being taken of you? ;)


Staff member
Yeah! That's the one. That particular pic of you and the one of me in the members gallery look alot alike to me. I'm sure if we stood next to each other in person it would be a different story.

Nah, I'm not wild about having my pic taken, unless its spontanieous. Whenever I pose for a pic I always end up making a retarded face. The more I try not to make the retarded face, the more retarded it gets.:lol:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Speaking of which, you said as soon as XP was installed & working, you'd set up the camera & update your 100 year old picture---WELL???


Staff member
Do you have proof that I said that? I don't remember saying that. Besides there is a very recent pic of my foot in uncs thread.:p


i'm about 171 pounds on a 5' 10 1/2 frame, used to be 230 pounds 5' 2 when i was about 13 or so, then i got taller and hormones did their work :D


Staff member
BMI of 36... If I ever get down to my target weight of 200, I'll still be overweight. Last time I measured myself, I was 6'2 (damn measuring tape has to be wrong! I know I'm 6'5)


Official Wine Taster
165 lbs. of "Lean, mean Jeepin' machine 'ere! F#ck the "stupid" surveys! We all know, all too well, where we're at! No reminders, required, I'm sure.

Doesn't change the "real" person we are. Only distracts the "shallow" from takin' the time to get to know the "real" us!

Let the shallow pass by! We'll continue on learnin' to accept ourselves an' others as they are. A lesson the "beautiful ones" will learn, soon enough!:)


New Member
BMI = 26 (pre-pregnancy)
and just for fun ... *drumroll* BMI = 29 (7 months pregnant)

Is the government trying to make us look like Hollywood actors (who in my opinion are so skinny that they look disgusting)?


Staff member
my kissy goddess, how could we not love you? Hope things are going well for you. :)


Official Wine Taster
Spirit said:
75.. you're too cool :)

And yeah. I am fat.

Ew. Did I really say that??? Ah well. Still love me?


Yeah Spirit, Darlin', I still love least yer "real"! I'll take that over all these little "fantasy" girls. any day a the week!;)


Official Wine Taster
Neo said:
my kissy goddess, how could we not love you? Hope things are going well for you. :)

Sambonie, yer such a f#ckin' smoozer! Makes me wonder why yer beloved doesn't suck up to that!:laugh:

Miss ya Dude! When ya comin' over again? (Wineferall doesn't tell me shit!):lurk:


Official Wine Taster
Neo said:
lol i wonder too

planning on sunday :) :beerchug:

Better not blow us off again! (less ofcourse she's gonna serve ya with that point, wine can wait..........I guess!):confused: