Anyway to Increase Clipboard Size


New Member
I'm running WinME and was wondering if there is a way to increase the storage capacity of the Clipboard which appears to fill up a little too quickly when using programs such as PSP etc ?

Thanks, Dog :)


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Heya Dog,

I don't know if ME has anything built into the Clipboard that other Window OSes don't. I know for example Office 2k will allow you to have multiple text clipboards (I think up to 12), but that's built into the app. You may want to scour; I found this but it's a demo and costs $30. There may be freeware utilities out there that will allow you to do what you're looking for. This one got a 100% review by its users.


Staff member
I've never encountered any clipboard size limits... what kind of data are you throwing around in the clipboard that causes Windows to bitch at you? :eek:


New Member
Paint Shop Pro uses the clipboard to store images that I'm working on, Windows has started popping up a warning that the clipboard is reaching its memory capacity. This may be in relation to another utility running on the system at the same time as this is something that has never happened before but the whole system does slow down as the clipboard fills up with graphic images. As I could find no way to increase the amount of memory allotted to the clipboard by Windows I turned to an alternative clipboard which so far has stopped the warnings from Windows, just one of those things I always happens to me :D