AMD processor tables?

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
A friend of mine and I are building up a table with all core/speed of AMD K7 series. Anyone got older AMD CPU speed tables? I ran thru internet but didnt find all the info I'm searching. If not I would be interested in knowing at least the max speed the Athlon Classic was produced. I'm not sure if it was 850...


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Noite, I can't find tables, but I think you're right in that 850 was the top-out on the classic.

If memory serves, they did produce some slot A T-birds up to 1 gig, though.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Thank you for searching this for me. Yeah I found an 850 reference in an old HWC thread. It's amazing AMD won't have this kind of info on its pages.


actually the 1000MHz Slot A is the last of the 'classic' Athlon 512k L2 chips, twas the first processor hit 1Ghz, i know this for certain as i had built a few systems around the 950 and 1000 version. Can't remember how fast the Tbird Slot A's went to.


Staff member
your correct justin, the classic went to a gig. my epox is still running. course it pnly has a 750 in it but the max was a gig classic.


It was the first 1Ghz processor, only problem was the 512k 1/3 speed L2 cache @ 333Mhz, hence the T-bird solution.


Staff member
Classic Athlon from 500 up to a gig, T-bird from 700 up to 1.4, Palomino from 1.33 up to, what, 1.8 or so?


Palominos ended at 2100+(1.73Ghz) , Tbirds actually began at 600 or 650. i know 650 fer sure, can't remember if the 600's existed. ( both slot A)

edit - memory flash, both SEC and PGA had 650 Tbird versions, doubting the existence of the 600 more and more.