New Member
Dang, am I ever going to be able to get to OTC?
Well,your not missing much,Nixy and I are complaining about the snow and Gonz and Nixy are ignoring each other in the RW "Sickening" thread.
Using the fix provided, I can get in. If I remove it, I can't....still (opendns is confused)
Access Denied (content_filter_denied)
Your request was denied because of its content categorization. Accessing the internet through a government computer or network uses a government resource. Government-provided hardware and software are for conducting official and government business. This does not prohibit commanders from authorizing personnel to use government resources to further their professional and military knowledge, if they determine it is in the best interest of the government, and authorization is documented by letter, local operating instruction, and/or explicit policy. Using the internet for other than authorized purposes, may result in adverse administrative or disciplinary action. The following activities involving the use of government-provided computer hardware or software listed in and AFI 133-119 are specifically prohibited: Storing, processing, displaying, sending or otherwise transmitting offensive or obscene language or material; offensive material includes but is not limited to: hate literature, such as racist literature (swastikas, neo-Nazi materials, etc.), and sexually harassing materials. Obscene materials include but are not limited to, pornography and other sexually explicit materials. Source: Destination: Deny Category:
If you feel this URL is legimate and required by your mission, contact your local NCC and submit a request to the Analyst to have this URL allowed. You may need to provide justification as to the need of having access to this URL.
I am at work, and need my fix, I might actually have to do work today!!!