Yates found guilty of murdering her children



Yates found guilty of murdering her children.

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/03/12/yates.verdict/index.html

Commentary from me: Anyone that would do something like that would have to be insane, but does she deserve enough sympathy that she should be spared? I think many of us have opinions about this which we have a right to, but at the same time there are family members of hers that had nothing to do with it. Truthfully, I think the whole thing is none of my business, and only the Lord can render her fate.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Why only 2 counts?
Yates was found guilty of two counts of capital murder covering the deaths of three of her children. She could be sentenced to death or to life in prison following the penalty phase that begins Thursday.

The sentencing phase has 2 options, life imprisonment or death by lethal injection-If I may I'd like to offer a third alternative; Have Kareem Addul Jabar, who is about as much bigger than her as she was to her kids, chase her around the penal yard for :45 minutes then drag her sorry ass to a bathtub...:mad:


Staff member
She's whacked. No doubt about it..and she'll be whacked forever. Even in a drug induced "reality" she'll be whacked. I'm pissed that nobody did anything to stop this woman. People knew.
Her husband knew.
Her family knew.


I have two thoughts concerning this.

#1. If she were to be sentenced to death, she would have grounds for an appeal to overturn the conviction. She has already been diagnosed as being insane. There is a law that an insane person cannot be put to death. The whole issue of the the law concerning whether a person can be found innocent by reason of insanity could come under scrutiny and become an issue of debate for many years to come.

#2. Why did she have custody of these children in the first place if she was so mentally ill? The doctors must not have thought she was all that insane to begin with or they would have taken the children from the home and placed them in foster care. I question whether she was insane at the time of the act of violence.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Why is there a problem in killing "the insane"? Though I disagree with government induced capital punishment, if someone is crazy enough to murder then they are a danger to society.


The is a law that someone who is declared insane cannot be put to death. Since they ruled that she knew right from wrong, it may not apply.

I am just repeating what I heard on tv about the part of not executing an insane person.